Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I wear a size 14 boot...

...and it seems it will be kicking some ass out of my house. We met with our lawyer today. I guess it's safe to call him our lawyer now. He's taken care of some very personal stuff for us, and for that I'm thankful for his services. Our lawyer is a lawyer I would expect someone like myself to have. He's a little on the odd side, but knows his shit. Anyway once we exchanged hellos I let him know all of my concerns.

One being about all the money they've put into the place. He said I'm covered with how the lease is worded. There would be no way they could file a claim for anything they've done. My other big concern is getting them out and how long it would take. He said since this isn't exactly tenant/landlord situation the laws and outlines do not apply to it as such. Which means, no bullshit waiting 15 days here or 30 days there. He suggested giving them until Dec 10th to pay the rent. When the 10th comes no matter if they have paid it in full or only partial we begin the booting processes. Basically he sends them a letter letting them know that I am repossessing the property and that they will have two weeks to get out. We determined two weeks was a "fair" time. After that time if they are not out, we file a complaint w/ the district attorney. He had said there would be no case for them. Pure and simple the lease has run its course and I am repossessing my property due to that reason.

This is of course assuming they don't pull $60,000 out of their ass cracks.

I also spoke about my ex and her ability to piss on our divorce agreement. He said that I could summons her to court. Once in court, she would be found in contempt of court because by not paying the Lowe's account she is not following the divorce agreement which the court passed judgment on. He said I could serve her w/ the papers or I could pay a constable to do so. I'll probably go w/ the constable. Also any court/lawyer fees, I would sue her for. That was the lawyers suggestion. Merry Christmas. I hope you like your present.


I love you Julie.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Checking in

As I write my boy is in his crib munching on some goldfish. The cheese flavored ones, not the fish flavored.

How was every ones thanksgiving? Were you thankful? Were you thankful for food? How about the day off from work? I was thankful for all of those things and many more. In recent times I have come to appreciate thanksgiving much more than I probably ever have in my life. It could be the one holiday that I really celebrate for it's true meaning, being thankful for all that I do have.

For all the things I don't have, it's no big deal really. Patience!

After doing some research on the web, I think when I have some time I'm going to start going through my writings. Start proof reading, editing, and making changes as needed to get them ready for publishing. Saying "OK this sucks, it's out" or "I can't believe I really wrote that, it's in!". If I worked at it here and there I could have it ready say by next income tax time. Yes, I like the sound of that.

Five more weeks until the lease is up. I have a meeting with the lawyer on Monday at 1:30pm. I'm sure I'll have something to say about how it goes.

I have really enjoyed these couple days off. It's nice to have a break. Oh shit mark it down, I made spaghetti last night! My "sissypants" started the water and hamburg but it looked like she need a break so I stepped in and kicked her out of MY kitchen! It was pretty good.

As for now, my boy depends more fish.


I love you Julie!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

All about her

For our girl

If I had but only one thing to say,
before the day you came,
it would be to say,
I love you.
You already fill my days with dreams,
there is no such thing as too many.
"Daddy’s little girl",
that makes me smile from ear to ear.
My ears must wait however,
to hear you.

My eyes must wait just a little while longer,
to see you.
Until your time is ready,
your mother will keep you warm and safe.
She will carry you.
I will carry you with me,
by keeping you in my mind,
and in my heart.
I love you.


Monday, November 20, 2006

Story time

Gather around everyone, it's story time.

I've been renting out a house since last December. At the time there was the wife and husband who really wanted the house but had no money. Then there was the wife's mom and dad. Both of whom were to live there and help out with expenses. They both got disability and social security or something like that. Lets fast forward 11 months. The mom, passed away. The dad, got a girl friend and moved out. The husband and wife? I just learned that they split. The twist? The wife is pregnant and doesn't know who baby's daddy is. The husband is not living there. The wife's dad moved back in to quote the wife "Try and save me".

Now I don't know about all of you, but I am certain now that there is no way my house is selling at the end of the year. You may ask yourself, won't you feel bad kicking out a pregnant woman? Absolutely not and here's why. You see, I'd be moving in with my pregnant wife not to mention the rest of the clan! I totally feel no remorse for her or anyone involved. They've had 12 months to get their act together. Instead of taking advantage of the deal, they have let it go to shit. I'm sure that it will come down to having them removed from the house, but so be it. They can take their soap somewhere more appropriate, like a trailer park. I will be meeting with our lawyer very shortly. My only doubt comes from thinking about what the court may do. From everything that I've read, courts lean towards tenants and not landlords. However, once the lease is up what is there to fight? Time tells and time is getting short.

Had a pretty good birthday. You see my "sissypants" invited our dearest friends over and we had a blast. It was a surprise up until about 10 minutes before people showed up. You see I knew something was up but I didn't know what. So we went out to eat and grabbed some flicks. Once we got home I was pretty persistent about wanting to know what was going on. I just wanted to know if I could go upstairs and get comfy or not. I apologize to my wife for the world to see. I know it upset you that I bugged about it, but I meant no harm and I was very happy with what you did for me. I just love hanging out with the gang. We always seem to have a good time. We played asshole of course. I was asshole quite a bit. From being called Mary, to being called bitch, it was a good time. I pause to think about what kind of adventures we could all have if (when) I end up in McElhattan.

That was the night before my birthday. Today was actually the day. It was pretty quite. Julie and I went to breakfast and then to my folks. Connor spent the night there. He's in this phase now where if we go to their house he flips out and is very clingy. You see, that's really the only place he spends the night and he's getting to know if we go there he may be spending the night. So, he flips. I think it's because he's a mamas boy but everyone else says it's a phase. Call it what you will, it makes me sad to see him like that. Anyway, after leaving there we went home and took a little nap. Afterwards Julie's folks showed up w/ her two kiddies and we had dinner. After which I gave the dog a bath. She's going to the vet tomorrow to find out why exactly she's been eating herself! Hopefully it's a cheap fix...

How many more times can I say I hate working third shift before I have enough of it? Once more maybe?


I love you Misses!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Did you know, I like "professional" wrestling. I'm not a crazy fan though. Hell, I don't even really watch it anymore. On the occasion I do, but I couldn't tell you the last time I sat down and watched a full episode. I read up on it, so without actually seeing the TV shows I still know what's going on. Then, I also check out "real" news. When I read this stuff, it's as if I'm reading an article at espn.com. I find out what is going on other than the stuff that's produced. Like who's contract is expiring soon, or who may have gotten busted for possession.

Anyway, recently one of my favorites has been in the picture tube box. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper. One thing that has never changed for me whether I was 10 or going on 29, I still think the gimmick is cool. Tough guy, former boxer, cocky mouth, T-shirt that says Hot Rod, black leather coat, and of course a kilt = Fucking awesome. Lets not forget about the B movies! "I have come here to chew bubble and kick ass, and I'm all out of bubble gum.". What more do I need to say? Back to the point. He recently saw some action and captured some gold. This made me want to watch again. After viewing some TV and a few internet clips I realized Roddy Piper is getting old. I've known for many years that he's been older in age. I've never really seen it until now. I know that I've probably seen his last in ring performances. And as the sun sets on his in ring career I often wonder, when will there be a sequel to They live. Apparently, I share likes with others.

Getting old, I wonder what it's like? I guess I'm finding that out more and more every day. I'm going to be turning 29 this Sunday. So of course I know what happens the year after that. The big 30. Getting old just happens. Hell, didn't I just turn 18? I know in the big picture 30 is still a pup. However to that 10 year old watching wrestling, 30 is old. I will always be old to my children. I'll be almost 40 when my children are turning 10. They will never get to see the young me that I can remember very clearly. I wonder, as I get older, will those memories that I can see fairly clear now just fade away, barely being seen. I hope not as I still enjoy them from time to time. Happy birthday to me.


I love you Julie.

Friday, November 10, 2006

"blog bling"

I felt that I needed to quote that. Those words were spoke to me tonight and so I started looking to add some chains around my blogs neck. You would not believe how much time I killed messing with this. Trying to get the right setup, then the right colors...I tried to get the border on the charts to be the red that's in the header, but I couldn't nail it. The editing was limited to preselected colors. I hope it doesn't make your eyes burn. I'm sorry if it does!

Anyway, I think the phrase "blog bling" is going to be a hit. G, you need to gobble that domain name up if it isn't already taken. We can split the money! Hows 80/20? 80 For me because I had the idea, and 20 for you because we've been friends for so long! I hope you see my humor in that... You could post all sorts of bling or links to sites that offer the bling! Take the name, take it now! Just think how big blogging will be in 10 years!! Just think of the T-shirts!!! "I got all my bling from the blogbling"or how about "I went to the internet and all I got was blogbling". You know a take on the shirts that say "I went to Disneyland and all i got was this T-shirt" . Do it...take the name, run with it...

I'm feeling like I need the weekend to be here. Luckily for me, it is right around the corner. Yesterday I was feeling a little down about missing people and getting a little tired. Today, it's a bit better because the weekend is so close. In my mind right now I'm thinking "only a few more hours".

I had a couple visitors while up at Lowe's today. First their was my mother, sporting a new hair cut. I have to admit it was a new look for her, and it didn't look to bad! I had spoke to her the other day and she was "warning" me about the hair cut. Now, when I hear that come from my mothers mouth I tend to wonder. You see in my life I have seen this woman go from having super long, straight hair to the next minute to having a perm, and then basically to what she's been sporting for the last several years. So I didn't know what was being thrown my way. In the end she looks fine. We shot the breeze for a little bit and I showed her some fan control switches. She also took home some carpet squares to ponder what carpet to go with!

Then while I was working I heard this little boy that I recognized . I didn't know if I really heard it or not. See this would be the first time that I can recall recognizing Connor just by hearing him. I had no idea he was going to be there, but I knew it was him when I heard him. A couple seconds after hearing him, my Sissypants and Shaina came around the corning with Connor in the cart. Oh, lets not forget the baby girl in the belly! I was very happy to see them. They had just come up to see me. We talked for a little bit then we went down to the Christmas tree section where we hung out for a few more minutes before I got back to it. Both of my visits really picked me up today. It's great to know that I'm missed enough to be visited.


I love you jewels265!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Work work work

Did I mention work? I am missing my misses and my little boy. It makes me sad when I go to bed because I know when I get up, it's time for you guessed it, work! Here's what's going on when I get up. Connor is sleeping or working on it. At least my "sissypants" is waiting to see me out the door. I love you and miss you both!

Check out the cost of the war in Iraq right from my blog. Yet another nifty idea I stole from G.

Not much to say tonight...


I love you Julie!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

A new week

Which means a weekend has come and gone. This weekend could have been better, but it could have been worse. I managed to stick my foot in my mouth today, which is quite the task. Have you seen the size of my feet? Then there were those feelings of where it seems no matter what you say or do, it's not what people want. I hate that feeling. I wouldn't know anybody that likes it. However, instead of wasting time on all the bs we'll move on. Hows about that pizza hut we had tonight? Or that door we hung for our living room too keep the cold out and the heat in? Today was much better. From the jump start the blazer needed, to the sniper I killed w/ my knife in BF2. Today, was great.

Flip flop goes our little girl. I'm sure her and her mommy are on their way to dreamland right now. I love my girls.

As for Connor? He's already there. I love my little boy.

After viewing this blog with firefox, I want to mess with the template again...

I'm trying to get healthier. With the additional work I'm doing I know some pounds will shed. My weakness=chips (namely chessey poofs!). I could pass on candies and cakes, but if chips are in the house my hand is in the bag. Don't go down that isle you say? Did you see that buy one get one free deal? How can I not go down there!?!? I tried with mild success once upon a time to eat peanuts/mixed nuts. However as I grow older, the less peanuts agree with me. In fact, if I have too many I will get sick. It's like they don't digest and just sit in my gut until I set them free in the toilet bowl. I have also (with lots of pushing from G, it's the good kind of push) been taking a multi vitamin & low does aspirin regularly now and I'm looking to add to my daily dose of goodness. Anyway, if anyone has any tips on how to beat the chips with all their flavor let me know. If you'll excuse me, my 99 cent bag of weis party mix is waiting.

No work after work today :-)


I love you "Sissypants".

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Are you dreaming?

The American Dream

If you live in a dream,
are you really living?
How long will this sleep last?
It seems that it has been years since my eyes last saw the sun,
or the ground on which we walk.
My dream has left me wander,

So much I see,

can not be.
No direction,
just deception.
I have tried to wake myself,
only to sleep,
and continue "The American Dream".

I wrote this after reading a post on my friends blog. Please note the comments. Let me hear (read?) your thoughts on this red dotters! This thing came to me and was done in five minutes.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


You know what makes me sleepy? Reading articles on line at 5am. It always makes me doze off.

My first solo day went well. No major problems. The last hour and half (or as I like to say when I'm working "only 90 more minutes") was a little slow but I dragged through it. I got home ate and crashed around 3.

I feel like a bad dad because I ended up not going trick or treating. I know when Julie woke me up to see if I wanted to go I was drooling on myself. Yummy! I guess I missed that by doing what's best for everyone. What's best right now is for us to have some cash. Lord knows we need it. I will regret not being able to see the look on my "little devil" when he was getting his goodies. I'm sorry Connor...

I was pleasantly surprised when I got home yesterday. My sexy mama went crazy upstairs. Moved everything around and for the most part it's great. Looks like there is a ton of extra room now. There's only a couple things that need a new home (like the shoe trunk!). By the time I was getting up for work, she was having sleepy time creep in. One of these days misses, we'll sleep together every night. I have seriously been weighing getting either a 2nd shift job or another part time gig. Maybe PCS needs part time hands.

I'm sorry if my blog is dullsville, my mind is half asleep itself.


I love you Julie.
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