Sunday, January 06, 2008


Happy New Year.

I really don't have much to say. I was feeling "bad" about my blog. I'd say right now everything is on a mellow note here. I'm working, for myself but not really which is awesome. My "sissypants" is seeking employment as well. I hope that goes well, fore it will keep me from working 2 jobs...again...

The kids are all doing well. Gabrielle is a little mobile monster. Connor is a jibberish talking machine. He did good with the potty for a little bit, but has had some sort of relapse into shitting his pants and not minding. I couldn't imagine shitting in my pants, then going on the potty, then electing to go back to shitting my pants. I'm sure it's not a good feeling. Shaina is doing well. Drew, is well, Drew. I searched but could not locate a percentage of 20 year olds that actually graduate high school. I remember one 20 year old from high school. ONE!

We are making an effort on cutting out some pounds this year. So far, so good. Granted we are not going to the tree bark & pine needle diet that some of you may be on.


I love you "Sissypants".
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