Monday, December 26, 2005

Merry Christmas...

...better late than never I hear...At this time (12/30 3:50am) I am being kept company by Connor. I am singing him a song that is sure to be a chart topper. "If you're sleepy, you should go back to sleepy." That's the only lyric, but I'm sure if you "laid it down" to a beat it would sell like hotcakes. Also, my cat has joined our party. I hope the neighbors don't call the police.

I started this entry on the 26th.

Greetings from post holiday running!

I'd like to say that everything went very well over Christmas. My Aunt has a gathering at her house every Christmas eve and this year was no different. Well except for my "sissypants", "S", and of course Connor. I was a little off at first but I notice I'm usually off for a little while no matter where I go when there are a few people there. Family or not, I still get that feeling. Once I settled down some and loosened up things went very well. Connor got passed around and I must say that at first he did not like all the strange faces. After the initial shock of him realizing that this was his family he was fine! By the way "D" was with his dad.

Then it came the first "official" Christmas. Santa Clause somehow managed to squeeze down our chimney. No matter, the tree was pretty packed with gifts. The tree by the way was amazing. My "sissypants" takes a lot of time and pride in preparing her tree. Something that I will cherish over our years together. I think everyone was very pleased with their gifts. I know I was. My best gift was seeing "J" get all teary eyed from reading a poem I wrote. She opened it first but I had hoped she would have grabbed it last. I hope it didn't take away from her other gifts.

We had grub at both the parents houses. Lunch at my folks, dinner at hers. Nothing too eventful to report. My mom hooked us all up very nicely. Honestly if she didn't have a single gift I would have been totally content. She has done so much for me and us this year it's incredible and appreciated.

I'm sure if Christmas wasn't 5 days old I would go on in more detail...

The last three days have been full of work. Doing inventory. I hates inventory. We were done counting everything by the end of day two and had all the computer corrections done by 2:30pm the third day. We were hopeful to get out at 3 but it was not until 4. I tell you I'm always looking for the exit of that place. Hurrying home to my sexy mama and our boy is always on my mind.

The 28th was sissypants 30th birthday. Happy birthday day baby! I didn't have much cash at the time so we are going to do some things this weekend. If all goes well we'll be hitting up the movies and dinner tonight. I'm looking forward to some nice, quiet, "us" time. I'd like to take her out for some drinks, but something inside me has turned the "lets go out and party" switch off. Staying at home sounds much better. Am I the one getting old? Yea...that was a 30 joke.

Best quote I read tonight: "On a side note, her death was smoking related, so anyone reading this who has that habit please take my advice and quit. It's a slow, ugly and painful way to die. Don't put your family thru that."
~Gregory Helms

My dad has me all interested in tax time. He thinks we'll get hooked up. That would be super sweet.

As for now Julie has broken up our party and has gotten Connor to quiet down. Since my ass has been handed to me by a 4 month old I need rest. Incase there is a delay between my next posts, Happy New Year.


I love you Julie.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Holiday season, religious observation, holiday season, religious observation now shoot!

The title was suppose to be read with the voice of Bugs Bunny saying holiday season and the voice of Daffy Duck saying religious observation...

Would you like to see my pencil holder? Just drop something and look as I pick it up.

There's a new blog on the block and I look forward to reading it everyday and putting in my two cents worth about it. My first two goes as follows:

So yea we got this new place and yea, it's coming together. With me working nights and such I feel badly that I don't help out with more than I do. I feel like I slow down the whole getting settled process. I however, give it my all. That usually means going and going until my tank is on E. I did catch up on sleep today which was very...recharging! The future in-laws came by tonight for a little while to drop off the gifts for the children (said in my best Chief voice) and of course to visit. Everyone seemed satisfied with what they were given. I was more interested in seeing Connor go crazy with his new play set thing. Basically he kicks this pedal at the bottom and it makes noise or plays music and also makes something spin. I know it may sound crazy but I believe he had the concept down. He'd kick it, the things would spin and noises would be made. Then when it was quiet he'd do it again, and so on. I do have a regret about the whole thing last night. We didn't have the camera handy to take pics. I saw on wal-marts website they have a cheap camcorders. May have to check this out some more.

As for the lazy landlady, I don't know what to think. I've never rented before. Supposedly someone is coming by today between 3-4 to fix this damn leak. My opinion will be based on how she handles this water bill. She said she'd pay anything that was "above normal". I believe she told me normal was around $66 or $86. We'll see...

How am I? Not too bad. I am getting anxious about Christmas. I already have be given the best gifts I could ever hope to receive. Now I will get to enjoy them together, on a very special day for us all. No matter what the future holds or what the past has seen gone by these days I now live will go with me to my grave. I couldn't picture a more perfect site on Christmas morning than waking up beside the love of my life as "D" and "S" go crazy over gifts and as Connor look on with that look of learning in his eyes. It shall be a very Merry Christmas at my house this year.

I swear every time I read back over something I just wrote I leave out words that I swear I wrote.

Question: What do you call someone who does something to themselves that takes time away from those they love? Even though they know what they do is bad. I just don't think they look ahead. I speak of the very harmful affects of cigarette smoking. Almost everyone I love, kills themselves a little more each day with these fucking things. I just don't understand. As documented on this blog before, I'm not scared of a little "wacky tabbaccy" now and then. From everything I have heard and read I would much rather tie one on rather than wolf down a chemically laced cancer stick. I've heard reason ranging from the absurd to the relevant on why people can't quit. Here's how you should look at it. Just fucking quit. If not for yourself for those you love. If you can't will yourself enough to do that than I think you should check yourself at the door for the real meaning of love and while you at it look up the meaning of pain because that's what will given to everyone sooner or later.

Did I just vent? I guess I did.

Audioslave - Doesn't remind me A nice little diddy that gets my foot tapping and my spirits lifting.

As for now back to it.

My "sissypants" gave me a shout out and I will now do the same at the end of each of my entries.


I love you Julie...

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Extra! Extra! Read all about it...

So my "sissypants" started a blog. The choice of name makes me smile from ear to ear. I can only hope that all her entries are filled with good times. I do my best everyday to try to make her happy and feel loved. Lord knows, she's made me feel like no other. Because of those feelings, I can say honestly and without hesitation I know where I will be the rest of my life. In the arms of my truest love.

We were visiting with sissypants mom today and Connor was really digging this singing/dancing Santa Clause. Well actually I think he was digging the red button you push to get old St. Nick going. Anyway at one point "J" says "Look at those lips. Who's lips are they?" The answer: Mine. I never knew having a son (a daughter would have been just as wonderful I'm sure) would be so self rewarding. I get so much from him and he doesn't even know it. Or does he?

Speaking of visits Connor got to meet "G's" pops the other day. I'm sorry we missed his mom "P". She's been wanting to see the boy for quite a while now. We'll try to get out there before Christmas.

Moving in seems to take longer than packing up...

Kida has come back home. She's the family dog now a days. She was staying at my mom and dads for a while. I'm very thankful that they were willing to watch her. You see they are dog lovers and she came back a bit spoiled. But hey, at least she's there. Now if only the hair wasn't...

Speaking of pets, the cats took nicely to the move. Shame one of them thinks boxes are a litter box. I know where I'd like to put that cat, but flushing it down the toilet may not be good for the septic tank.

There's a first shift job open here. I put my name in for and with a little luck my skills will land me the job. Did I say skills? I meant to say SKILLZ!


Sunday, December 18, 2005

A little something

Well I just read a email from my "sissypants" and it makes me think about how fortunate I have been this past year. I am totally content for the first time since I don't know when. If I had to pick one thing I could change it would be the piles of money that I do not have laying around. That being said, and all other things considered life is pretty great. I could never have imagined things working out as they have. It seems that after many misdelt hands, I have the perfect hand. I am in love and no hip waders will keep me out of it, because I'm in it deep baby! Being together has proven to be very therapeutic. In other words, it keeps little voices in my head silent. Now don't get me wrong from time to time they scream loud enough for me to hear them. Things with "D" and "S" are very good as well. As for Connor my boy, each day that goes by he makes me more proud than the last. I don't know what more to say other than, life is good.

I've hung out with "G" a bit these past couple weekends and it has been like old times. I never fully realized how much I've missed his unique take on things. We share many stories together, a history if you will. Things for him are going well too, and it's great to see. Just a few years ago he was on hard times, and now it looks as if the sky is the limit for him and his family. If I had a glass of the wine he bought for us for Christmas, I would raise it and toast to the lot of them for nothing less than the best.

At the urging of G I will share this story...

It was many moons ago, but not so many that I do not remember. "I know this guy" who was out and about one evening with some friends and a love interest. They all made their way to a local watering hole for some adult beverages. One drink led to two and two led to shots of Black Zambooka, Firewater, and others. Well before you knew it and as George Therogood says, "the clock on the wall says last call for alcohol". So they all finished up and went on their ways. On the way home "this guy I know" was pulled over by your friendly local law enforcement agent, a.k.a the police. You see speeding was not the game to play while so tipsy. After being approached and asked if he knew the reason for being pulled over and after answering no "the man" says you were doing 73mph in a 45mph zone. Being clocked at 73 in a 45 makes Rossco curious. After some minor questioning (questions such as "have you been drinking" and answering "I had a few") it was decided that "this guy" get out of the vehicle and follow him to the rear of it. There it was passed along that a field sobriety test would be done. I tell you "this guy" did well on 2 of the 3 tests, but when it came to walking the line man 'o' man was there struggles. It was at that time the officers decided to do a breathalizer. Being so willing to cooperate "the guy" took a deep breath than exhaled, then proceeded to blow into the machine. Reading: .097. At the time the legal limit was .10 now the limit is .080 I believe. Lessons learned? #1. Do not drive drunk. No matter how sober you may think you are, you're not. #2. Always take a deep breath prior to taking a breathalizer.

"That's my story and I'm sticking to it, cuz I got no reason to lie yea..." ~Ozzy Osbourne


Monday, December 05, 2005

Moving on

Well my money situation is on track now thanks to my mom. She's more than a life saver! Thanks mom! My opinion to all those who may view this: Washington Mutual mortgage company is nothing more than a steaming pile of shit. Believe me, I'll never deal with these uncompromising fuckers for as long as I live.

Started moving into the new place. Still LOTS to go. Going to be a busy week in the land of "John on this day..." I have to say I'm quite excited being out and about with my "sissypants". Of course the kiddies too. It should be quite the adventure. "G " and I tackled most of my stuff. We enjoyed a few beers while we waited for the Albert family to finish getting out of the house. Ya know they were suppose to be gone at 11am and never were until 4:30pm The Albert family? Yea that's right, a bunch of fatties that could only carry one god damn thing at a time. It was entertaining for awhile, then just got old and annoying.

So far no payments have been missed or late with the house. I am hopeful it keeps going this smoothly. If so, 2006 is looking bright.

I have a thought, but now it's lost.

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