Friday, December 26, 2008

Another Christmas

Wait let me change that, another low income Christmas. I have often (very often) found myself over the years dreaming, wondering, hoping that one day the burden of a past life would end. The past has lived with me seemingly forever when it comes to debt. This year should be the last year that we struggle as I have a few bills coming off the books at income tax time. I feel bad, even knowing it's not about the gifts, that I do not have presents stacked to the ceiling for my kids. This year was no different than the last few. Choosing to buy gifts, really tightens the noose around the neck. We will struggle next month, as we have for the past who knows how many. Merry Christmas.

I find myself home alone with having intentions of working but with that work already being complete, i know find myself at a loss. I will probably kick it around here burning boxes and wrapping paper, doing some laundry, shooting bitches perhaps. It is a dad's life.

Luckily my kids keep me in line. Oh and my wife, she likes to beat that ass from time to time.


I love you Julie.

Saturday, December 06, 2008

I have no point.

Do I need one?

I find myself in one of those moods. A mood where I feel like I could do anything at anytime. A mood where I look at everything and appreciate it for what is. It's nice, I'd like more of it.

I'm trying to give a router away on freecycle. It's a great idea. People have things they no longer want, and they simply list them as freebies for whoever may want them. Such a simple concept! I figured this router would go very quickly. I admit, I received a lot of replies. However, I do not think people read the listing, asking me questions that I provided the answers for in the description. I guess it's like anything, except my listing didn't contain and small print or the use of clever adjectives! I believe I have someone lined up. We'll see if it actually comes together.

We've had a couple good get together recently, and they've gone over very well. We'd like to have another this coming Friday. Oh what a grand thought.

I now feel like getting into something! Thanks for reading.


I love you Julie.
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