Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Bazooka Joe is the man!

So, I really had no intension of posting tonight. But after reflecting on my post from last night, here I find myself. Not a whole lot happened yesterday. Julie did make some kick ass baked mac & cheese I am very happy to report! My main reason for coming here tonight is this:

I'm not a "super" superstitious person. I do believe some things that the "normal" people probably don't. On the other hand, I don't believe in some things that they do. Whose normal around here again? Anyway, I had myself a piece of Bazooka Joe bumble gum tonight. First piece in a long while. Let me refresh your memories on Bazooka Joe. Each piece is wrapped in a wrapper that's also a comic strip, and at the very bottom of the comic strip is your fortune. As told by Bazooka Joe. To probably thousands of others. But on this night it is in my hand. It reads; "You are anxious to achieve something very important. You will succeed."

Reading those words, even if it they were from Bazooka Joe, made my brain stop. No time frame. Just success. The storm may be a long one, but keep on riden, riden, riden...


I love you Julie.

Monday, September 25, 2006


I've been trying (mostly unsuccessfully) to find a new template for my blog. So, for the time being this will do.

I'm a downy clowny tonight. I find that my thoughts are all over the place. Here's a few.

If your idea of sitting around for nine hours a night is a great career than DRW is where it's at. For me, it's nothing more than a dead end. I feel like that moth struggling to free itself from the spider web. No matter how hard I have tried, I continue to struggle with my escape. As my eyes look around, I see the spider nearing.

Connor is transforming into a little kid right before my eyes. He walks around now like he's been doing it since the day we brought him home. He climbs around like a monkey, and he's getting the dismounts more regularly now. Hell, he even tries the steps! Every time I see him no matter his mood, he melts my heart and takes me some place special. I see in him so much. Just think, we have another one on the way. Boy or girl? Still won't know that for a couple more weeks. I can report though, that he/she has a healthy heart beat, and likes to do flips while the ultrasound is going on. Oh, and he/she is already apparently a thumb sucker.

If I had it all to do over, I would still be doing this.

I really appreciate what my wife is doing to help with the bills. I'm hopeful that I can get a part time job soon (interview wed. for lowe's) so she can be back home. I know in todays world it's almost impossible to have any kind of life on one income. However, I also know what we would have if I didn't have all this "old" debt. Kind of like old baggage except I can't just throw it away. Soon the burden will be easing. Income tax is wonderful... First stop, my moms house.

I love to write, when I can. G says I should write a novel. I don't know the first thing about that. I do know I have enough poetry to fill a couple books. I know I wouldn't get rich from a book. I would however, have a great sense of accomplishment in knowing it was out there. The problem is my "mood" for writing is so touch-n-go these days I don't ever seem to be able to sit down and write. Boredom does not equal inspiration for me.

I also love to make people laugh, always have. So here you have a big, shy guy that feels so good when he makes the tears roll, or if he has them rolling himself. My quietness is such a contradiction to how I like to be. Problem is, both parts are hardly ever in the same room together. A+B= nothing if they can't get together.

This ends todays "John on this day..." entry.


I love you Julie, and miss you when you are gone.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

"Open your fucking ears jackass"

That quote is from the "Jerky Boys". I find that it is quite fitting.

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan has said leaders of Middle Eastern nations believe the Iraq war has "been a real disaster" for the region.
His comments to reporters on Wednesday came after a two-week trip through the Middle East and on a day when separate bomb attacks killed at least 22 people in Baghdad.
"Honestly, most of the leaders I spoke to felt the invasion of Iraq and its aftermath has been a real disaster for them," Annan said. "They believe it has destabilized the region."
Annan went on to describe "two schools" of thought -- those who believe the United States should stay, "having created the problem, they cannot walk away," and those, "particularly in Iran," who "believe the presence of the U.S." is a problem.
Annan said it is his opinion that "the U.S. has found itself in a position where it cannot stay and it cannot leave."

This is what this sounds like to me:

You have your house painted. The painters tell you that they did a wonderful job. However, upon review by the home owner they find that the house is a mess. Runs, smears, splatters on the carpets, paint on the windows, the whole 9 yards...

...However the home owner has already paid the painters who have since cashed the check.

Poor home owner is fucked, being stuck with the mess.

The poor painters, they go on thinking they have done a good job.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Did you notice?

That I pissed with the template a little? I hope so!


Five years have come and gone. After seeing all the hype on tv during the day today I felt like I would write about what was going on with me that day. I was sleeping when all the shit went down. I've been working nights and sleeping days for a very long time... When I was woke up I could not believe what I was seeing. My first thoughts were about my friend who was to be in the air that day. I called his mom as soon as I could stand up without falling back down into the bed to see if she knew anything. She had not heard from him yet. The concern in her voice was, very real. One of the most "real" things I've ever heard.

As it turns out we were all very lucky. His flight was canceled and other than some ass ache (for him and his wife) to follow with the aftermath all was good. A family did not loose a son, and I did not loose a friend I consider a brother.

So much stuff has come out about all the events that hasn't been mainstreamed, which means millions of people haven't seen it. Everyone believes what they will. Do yourselves a favor and look a little deeper. I will not go into my beliefs but I will say that I do think there is much more than meets the eye, and I'm not talking about transformers.

Anyways, while watching tv today I saw a bunch of shit on there about some dude making threats and yadda yadda yadda. Hey CNN, MSNBC, FOX NEWS, you want people to stop being scared? Then stop showing shit that is no more than me telling the little skinny kid to give me his lunch money or else. Of all the days to show what I think is just non sense. I don't control the mainstream. In fact I think I wade in different waters.

My condolences to everyone that lost someone. I'm sure your five years have been much different than mine.


I love you Julie.

Party like it's 1996...

So that's what I did. This past Saturday was my high school class 10 year reunion. I was never the king of cool or anything (in fact I was far from it), but once I got wind of this I was pretty excited about going. Why? I'm not sure. There was a time I would find myself wondering what was going on with everyone but in recent years those times became less and less. Then, I was actually caught by surprise that this would be 10 years since school ended for me. I felt like even if I didn't see anyone there, I should be there.

I saw a few people that I remembered. Then I saw a few more once all the beer started kicking in. Free keg on tap + John = Cutting loose. The highlights of my night were seeing Ben, Rosie, and Kim. I spent a lot of time catching up w/ Ben. We go way back, like to the 5th grade. He had some stories that I had forgotten, which I always love hearing about. Dictionaries to the skull? No wonder I don't remember so much. There were some other people here and there that I shot the breeze with for a little. I believe it is what they call being social. I really missed not seeing my old friend Nate "Harley" there.

I danced once with my "sissypants". That would be one more time than I danced my whole high school career. Remember, I'm the king...

The event itself was a low turn out. I guess we had like 217 in our class and 80 showed up that is including spouses/guests. It was still a blast. From what I saw, everyone (including G) was having a great time. I don't see why you would pay $20 a head to have a shitty time. By the time the night was ending I was well tuned, and on my way to play some asshole.

I look forward to the next reunion.

Some links courtesy of G:
Video w/ sound http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i77OGFXKy1I
Pics http://flickr.com/photos/pollywogs/sets/72157594277874428/show/


I love you Julie

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Look at this

Isn't this just fucking weird?
Really, how normal is this?
I've seen it before but for some reason,
I wanted to look away now.

The line was drawn in the sand yesterday. I said my peace. I gave them time, for the last time. Wow, I just read back over that and thought those were some powerful words. Let me see what I can do with them. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is the people in the house are on their third strike. The pitch is on the way. If they slip up this time, they will be evicted. Part of me feels down for doing such a thing, but there's is another part that knows there is no other choice. Fucking conscience. Why do you taunt me so...


I love you Julie, bunches.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Birthday, flooding, & more

It's been awhile since I've had a weekend so hectic...

I'd like to start by saying I had all intentions of posting on the 2nd. That was Connor's birthday. We planned to have a party at the park where we got married, but it rained. More on the rain in a bit. So the party got canceled. He did end up spending the night at my mom's house. So he hasn't seen everyone to get all his gifts, which at this age I don't really think are all that important. He did get hooked up from us and my folks. More to follow. So a few days late, but Happy Birthday Connor. Daddy loves you.

So the rain that washed out the birthday party did a bit more. It rained a lot here. We've never had any problems with water before. Well later after noon some water was coming into the kitchen so I decided to run down to work and grab a couple pig socks. We use them to contain spills. On my way down, "Sissypants" called and said water was everywhere. When I got home, I could see what she meant. There was a stream of steady water coming out of the laundry room. There wasn't much we could do. We called my mom and she came over and got Connor and Shaina while we did the best we could. After struggling for hours (with the water and the land lady) we eventually called it a night.

The next day brought more of the same. When we got up we got right to it. The biggest problem with the water was that it went under the flooring that was down. What does that mean? That means the flooring had to come up in order to get the water out. I just about had all the flooring up and the land lady calls and says she wants to reuse this soaked shit I'm ripping up. I told her that I wanted nothing to do with that. She's on her own for putting down new shit. Also, around this time the troops started showing up. Julie's folks, my dad, and even G had a cameo. We spent the next several hours operating a small fleet of shop-vacs. Around 5:30 the water was done for.

A special thanks for all the help, and an extra shout out to my folks for watching Connor for two days and Shaina one and for feeding all of us for 2 days.

What else could happen? Well, I'm glad you asked. Rent was due on the third. In our agreement it states that after 3 days the agreement if void. I am usually pretty laid back about it. However, they have not been returning our phone calls which is driving Julie crazy. This in turn, drives me crazy. We'll try again today to get a hold of them and then tomorrow. If I don't hear anything back, on the 7th they will be getting an eviction notice. After doing some research I can tell that this road would take at least a month to travel. A month of falling behind. Once we start on it there is no turning back.

Got some running to do this morning. I'm inquiring about 2 jobs and getting a slow leak fixed on the blazer. After all to quote G, "Your dad works in a tire shop." Yes, yes he does.


I love you Julie
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