Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween everyone.

"Sissypants" and I went to a Halloween party on Saturday night. It went well for the most part. We went with my good friend's wife. We dressed up a little on the crazy side but not enough to call the get ups costumes. I enjoyed a few superbly made purple hazes. "J" had lager and bicardi lamond & 7up. She was feeling pretty good too. We danced to the two slow songs that were played. I must confess, I'm not much of a dancer but I'd do anything I could for my sweetie so out on the dance floor we went. We got home around 2:15am and sissypants proceeded to vomit in the bushes before heading in. Quite the finish to the evening. Well it wasn't quite the finish.

The finish was a bit of a tiff. I will not bother with details. However I will ramble some. It appears we both have a hard time forgetting about certain things that have happened to us. Yes that's right, happened as in past tense. I also confess that I get pretty upset about certain things. Like hearing things that I feel should have been told to me from another's lips. So we "battled" some. The end results were us both realizing what the problem is and both agree to do our best to resolve it. Simply put the past is just that and should not set the future.

Connor spent the night with my mom on Saturday. I'm sure she loved it. She is going in for surgery tomorrow. I am hopeful thing go smoothly and without problems. I plan on being there before she goes in and I'll visit after if it is allowed.

Sissypant's uncle is not doing so well these days. He currently is battling a few serious things. I hope the people that hold the power of choice with his life remember her uncle's desires and not theirs. It's been a good long while now since he had his operation and he's more or less the same. Now he's battling for his life. I can only imagine if that "voice" inside his head still works and if so what it must be screaming.

House news: Nothing set in stone. I have one person trying to come up with money down for the article of agreement. Out of all the possible buyers this one has shown the most interest. There is also another that want to the article but they want to have another go through with their dad this time. Money talks...

As for now back to work.


Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Trying for 1st

As in first shift. I went to a job on Monday. It was first shift, which is something I would like to have. I've been working nights forever and now with the little guy first shift seems more logical. However before I even started the supervisor asked me why I only had first shift marked on my application. My thought was "duh". So then he tells me "if" they hired me on (job was through a temp agency) I would end up on second or third shift. Needless to say I worked that day and told the temp place I wouldn't be going back. The job itself was not terrible but I am not leaving this job just to end up somewhere else on the same shift or worse second shift.

All that makes me say this: Factory work sucks. I will do everything in my power to make Connor realize he needs to be something better than daddy. I'm not saying I'm a bad person, he can follow my examples there but as for a career schooling is where it's at.

Speaking of the baby, he's getting big. The bigger he gets the more and more he looks like my baby pictures. He is spending the night at my moms on Saturday. "Sissypants" and I are going to a Halloween party with my best friends wife. It has been a good long while since I "got my groove on". I'm looking forward to a nice, fun evening with my love. I think my mom is excited about watching the baby. It will be his first stay over at grammy's.

Speaking of my mom she's getting surgery on the 1st of November. She's have three vertebra in her neck fused. I wish and ask for the best for her. I love you mom!

Life has been going well. For a few hours today I was a downy clowny. Money was getting me down. I'm tired of being broke because of a house that isn't wanted. I have some people coming by Saturday that seemed very interested, but in the same breath I say how many times have I said that. If that place would sell, everything would be good.

Did I ever mention I moved in with "J"? We are staying at her folks, so selling the house would be very welcomed. I pay $25 a week, which you know is a bargain. The shorter the stay the better I say. No offense to them, but I've been down that road before and want to be off of it as soon as possible. Once the house sells we will be well on our way to getting there. We figure if it sells by years end we will wait until income tax time then rent for awhile. My credit will need some time to straighten out before getting another mortgage.

As for now, I'm going to compose a poem.


Tuesday, October 11, 2005

The 411

Well life goes by quickly now. I went from one extreme (to having nothing) to another (1 sweetie, 2 kids, one beautiful baby boy). It's all very crazy. JW this, JW that, Daddy this, Daddy that. No complaining there mind you. I got a good chuckle out of it tonight before I came in. It's kind of nice really.

Connor changes more and more everyday. He's getting pretty long now and has to be about 10 pounds. Such a strong little guy. He can hold his head up and move it around fairly easy. He was lifting his head the day he was born which I have read is rare. His eyes are lightening in color. Finally the bigger he gets, the louder he can be...

House news: This is where I would insert an audio clip of myself laughing like a unsedated lunatic.

I'm up to my eye balls in trying to find a 1st job. I just think it would allow more time with the "fam".

If the house doesn't have a buyer by Friday (more laughing) I am parting ways with the dog. It makes me very sad just thinking of it.

Friday is pay the bills day.

Yanks are out already. Maybe one day King George will listen to me and my ideas.

With all this crazy weather I think the planet is trying to get rid of us all. Sounds like an interesting plot for a scifi flick.

Thank you for reading my babbling.


Tuesday, October 04, 2005


No not really. Does anything or anyone ever work out with this house of mine? The answer is no. So these people decided to give up on the house. Why? Not much of an explanation. So I'd like to take this time to say "fuck you". I'm so tired of these people that say one thing and don't do it. It's my life story when it comes to this place. If this keeps up I'll just let the bank have the fucking thing. I can't imagine being more drained about something so meaningless to me. Just buy bitches...

I feel better, thanks for asking.


Monday, October 03, 2005

An update!

I can tell you time is not what it once was. It's no wonder people say "kids grow up fast". It's because time is so occupied. I've gone from sleeping pretty good (6-8hrs a day) to being lucky to get 4 hours a day. I guess I can blame myself for it. I would rather go down with "sissypants" and the baby than hang out up at my house. I'm only there about an hour or so a day. I know it's not fair to the dog and cat but hopefully soon the house will be sold.

That being said, I have some serious pre approved people interested. They are trying for a construction mortgage. If that doesn't work out they'll do the article of agreement. I am very hopeful for this. Say some words of luck for me !! Whenever the house thing is taken care of we have a bit of game plan. I'm going to take a month off to let my credit settle and reflect paid off balances and then we will begin a serious house shopping adventure. Until then we will rent. We may end up renting for a year just to save more cash. These are the days that I'm looking very forward to and the reason I need this house to sell. I need to be with my family.

I'm trying to think of some interesting happenings since my last post. Other than a pretty serious hit about the house nothing really. The baby is doing great. He looks so much like me in my baby pictures it's kind of unreal. However I know and am very thankful for how real it is. I'm hoping to get him out and meet some of the people he hasn't yet. Like G and my grandfather. Again back to the time thing...

What do my morning consist of? Going "home" and tending to the animals. Take a shower and pack up some work cloths and come back down here to be with sissypants. Then I try to sleep, but that depends on how things are going for one and secondly how the baby is. If he's fussy, I'll be up. If he's lovey, I'll be up. It's very hard not to want to see as much as possible.

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