Thursday, May 31, 2007

I have not forgotten

I hope no one is upset with the length between my posts. I swear I'll get a good post up. I have a good camping adventure to report to you all (and a story about Harry).

Until the words come to me...


I love you Julie

Thursday, May 17, 2007

The difference between approval and preapproval is a bitch

Been a fucked up day in the world of John. J.W.'s world hasn't been much better...

A house? Yes. You see the difference between you and me (maybe) is that I tend to never loose sight of the worst case scinero. When it's been a road I've gone down before I tend to see things a little more and a little clearer. Anyway I've been pre approved for this and that for quite some time through a couple different places. But then when it comes time to play ball, no one shows up but me. This time, it is no different. In fact to quote the realitor "You better start packing." My reply? "I've learned there is a big difference between being pre approved and approved. So no offense, but I'll wait before I pack." Good thing. Made the call to the bank this morning. Apparently no one knows why I get this nice pre approved status and when it comes time to get the cash, its a no go. So for now and for some time to come, I'm not looking for a house. I'm tired of this bullshit parade.

Works still going well. I can't complain. Seems like before I know it it's lunch time, then it's time to go home. I love going home.

When I was younger I use to work on the farm in the summer detasseling corn. It was nothing special, it kept gas in the tank of the car and the insurance paid. Well anyway one summer a kid some how got his foot caught in the wheel on a tractor wagon. Broke his foot and fell hard off the wagon. He was alright. I recently took a spill off a wagon of sorts. I didn't break a bone or anything. In fact I feel quite alright. My friend Mary has come back to town. In fact, she's shacked up w/ us for a while. We enjoy her company! Don't hate Mary, she's a good kid. If you don't get too much of her. I really should dedicate a whole entry to this and my feelings about it...

I have too much shit in my head right now crashing off of every other god damn thing up there so I'm wrapping this up.


I love you Julie.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

2 weeks in

Is 2 weeks in anything like balls deep?

I'm happy to report not too many fuck ups. No fights. Most of all, I'm digging it. I pretty much have the run of the place. I am busy almost all day. It's a little slow until 8am but that's a good hour to come to my senses. I will probably be able to snag some Saturdays. You see the place is a mess and their system is as old as a dinosaur. They have these things called computers these days that could make things so much easier. Granted I do use the computer. However, they do no currently use anything for inventory control (SAP goes live in August). This will make things not only easier but much better. I touched based today w/my bosses boss about it and he seems like he wants me at the controls for the change. I told him, I'd get it done and he said I'll get the chance. None of this shit happened at my old job, it's much more exciting I think.

Sometimes the mornings seem to come in a blink of an eye. Most days I'm good until 9pm. Some days around 7 I seem to hit a wall. I'm trying to figure out something that works for me that gets me pepped up. I'm still working on it. In the morning, I like to have a tea to wake me up.

I have to write about falling off the wagon and how it doesn't seem to bad...

Well loyal reader I admit to you that I stink. I need to hit the shower.


I love you Julie.

John & G... v2!

I know Hamood is not G's "spawn of satan", but he's close enough...

Connor is of course, in the Yankees shit. Hamood is G's sisters (Jess) boy. The little girl in the pink is our newest love Gabrielle. The lady holding her is G's mom, Patti.
See what we are spending our money on! To see more details, click here.
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