Friday, March 21, 2008

I found time... blog today. A gift I did not expect.

Good Friday to you. My day at work was fine, thanks for asking. I've started a "real" job. Something that will mandate I work 40 hours a week (soon to be 45), every week, until I die or retire. I listed those in the correct order by the way. The work is not bad, I rather enjoy it. However, it sucks because it's "real". I still work a few hours after work as well. Lets me end my work day with some other challenges that are nice in their own right. Stuff that I don't get to do at my "real" job. I've been there 3 weeks now and can't say that I've made any friends. I can in the same breath however, say I have not made any enemies either. I get along with everyone great, I just don't see me offering to burn one with any of them.

Speaking in such tongues, that reminds me to update everyone on me falling off the wagon. Please don't hate me. It means so much to me that you don't hate me.

I learned something today. I learned that I am going to have my own office. I told the guy training me (Ray, pretty nice guy just from our fathers generation. Let me date myself. I am a baby from the 70's. You'd know that if you read my profile jerky...) that I didn't come here thinking I'd end up in an office. His reply "You will be."

Whoever invented red Swedish fish needs a tickle to the balls. These things are delicious. I'm trying to put a serious foot forward on eating better. I've been eating a PB sandwhich in the am, then a piece of fruit at lunch time (an apple or pear so far), eating supper and calling that that. I however admit to you all, that I like to munch. When I get home, I am hungry. Therefore, I want to eat. SO we're working on that. I also need something to excerise on. My "sissypants" and I can't seem to get enough sexerise. I've been thinking about an elliptical bike, but some one told me I'd be gay if I had one. So now fucking what? I want something where I'm standing, and not having the impact like a treadmill. My foot hurts.

Most people look at me differently. I'm one of those people that walks up to the office! I must be an asshole! Then the people in the office look at me like I'm some sort of production employee. Your presence is not required! For the production folks all I can say is I've been there and I've done that. Hey if what you want to do is run a machine, the same machine, every day, every fucking day, until you retire that's all well, fine, & good. I however prefer to say, "Fuck that noise." And for the office people I'd like to run this by your earholes. I've worked hard to do the things I do now. Not everyone gets to do it, and I know this, and it makes me appreciate it more. I will say good morning to you, I will ask you how you are and if you ask me I will almost always answer "not bad". Choke on it, because it's the way it is.

My little girl is going to be one by months end. One. She is certainly turning into her own person. The journey is just beginning.

I believe my blogtank is empty.


I love you Julie!
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