Monday, July 30, 2007

Say what?

Well well well...long time no write. Man, do I have some stuff to say.

First off, remember how I was so happy to leave DRW? I do. Guess who applied for a job at DRW today? That's right mofo's me. Apparently, my new job only wanted me around for a little while. Nothing luck throwing a big fucking wrench into gears that were turning so smoothly. Am I upset? Sure am, but not as much as I was on Friday. So it sucks and today I went to a few places and we'll see what comes from it. The new place did offer me another job today, 3rd shift at $2.21 less an hour than what I was making. Which equals out to be $0.67 more than I was making at DRW when I left. Lets not forget, I drive an extra 25 minutes one way to get to the new place. So in the end, I would make less because of what I spend on gas. Well see what happens...

...I'm taking this week off since things have played out this way. I am eligible for unemployment. Before getting it, you have to get a waiting week in which I will have in on Friday. Tomorrow we get the U-Haul and get ready for the move on Wed. Oh yea, nothing like loosing your job right before moving into a house you're going to try to buy. Anyway, this place is a nut house. We have shit everywhere. Boxes here, TV's there, clear glass here. You know how it goes. We are all set and excited about the move. Look out Avis here we fucking come.

I just don't understand certain things about this world. You work hard, show up everyday, put in extra O.T. and for what? A big sack full of bullshit. Maybe I will just ride out the unemployment for the max. Sit around, fuck the man, and finish on his ass...

On a lighter note, G had one hell of a bash. I rather enjoyed myself! A bunch of sexually friendly family folk there. What ever floats your boats I suppose. The highlight for me? Finding K passed out on the pee trail. Priceless...

Well folks my baby girl is fussy and my boy is wanting his mama...


I love you Julie.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Nerd alert

So I took Connor to see transformers. G agreed to visit 1985 again w/ us. The movie was pretty good. There were a few things I didn't really like. For example, the extreme close ups during battle scenes. It was very hard to tell what was going on. Then there were a few things that an old head like me would appreciate. Like when Prime decapitates this noob Bonecrusher using his energon axe. I don't know if that's what they are calling it these days, but that's what it was. Another moment for me was towards the end of the film when you hear prime say the classic line from the original movie, "One shall stand, one shall fall.". I can say I didn't really miss Frank Welker voicing Megatron. To say that anyone could do prime better than Peter Cullen, would be madness...

Looks like the house deal is a go. We are outta here at the end of the month!

There's a local rock station (99.3 WZXR) having this promo where you sing for your beer. 99 cases of beer in fact. Well each day they give a couple away to caller number 9, but the trick is, you have to know what case of beer the case count is on. Why? Well you sing the 99 bottles of beer on the wall diddy, but instead of bottles you say cases. So guess who number 9 was on Monday? That's right bitches. I got a nice, free case of beer. By the way, the count is now on 52...

Work? Fuck that! What can I say?

As for now I need a shower.


I love you mommy!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy 4th of July

It's been a couple weeks since my last post and I have a hard time believing that much time has passed. I find time is almost always filled these days...

Had a blast last weekend doing some camping w/ G & K down by pine creek. It was very relaxing and a very good time. I had not "camped" w/ G in many moons. Since we were 16 or 17. We had some good conversations. I want any one who reads this and also reads his blog to ask him about the sweet potatoman. Trust me, if he tells you, it's a good story. We played some badminton, which was fun. I hope this only starts a long stretch of good times for us.

Works been work. I've kind of settled in now and see it for what it's worth. A job. What can I say? Work can only be so is nice to get paid to have a day off now and again.

Word still has it we'll be signing some papers on a house very soon. Nothing so far, but very promising words have been spoke.

Happy 4th of July to you and yours.


I love you Julie.
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