Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Nerd alert

So I took Connor to see transformers. G agreed to visit 1985 again w/ us. The movie was pretty good. There were a few things I didn't really like. For example, the extreme close ups during battle scenes. It was very hard to tell what was going on. Then there were a few things that an old head like me would appreciate. Like when Prime decapitates this noob Bonecrusher using his energon axe. I don't know if that's what they are calling it these days, but that's what it was. Another moment for me was towards the end of the film when you hear prime say the classic line from the original movie, "One shall stand, one shall fall.". I can say I didn't really miss Frank Welker voicing Megatron. To say that anyone could do prime better than Peter Cullen, would be madness...

Looks like the house deal is a go. We are outta here at the end of the month!

There's a local rock station (99.3 WZXR) having this promo where you sing for your beer. 99 cases of beer in fact. Well each day they give a couple away to caller number 9, but the trick is, you have to know what case of beer the case count is on. Why? Well you sing the 99 bottles of beer on the wall diddy, but instead of bottles you say cases. So guess who number 9 was on Monday? That's right bitches. I got a nice, free case of beer. By the way, the count is now on 52...

Work? Fuck that! What can I say?

As for now I need a shower.


I love you mommy!


Blogger Garrett said...


I enjoyed the flick.


Good to hear a house finally went through!


Mmm, you comin over this weekend with your free case of beer eh?

6:06 PM  

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