Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Unexpected posting

You know I didn't think I was going to have a new entry today, but here I am. Let the madness begin...

Buzz buzz ouch! Damn buzzing bees...

So we got ourselves another car. Why? Well when my mommy and baby are home without wheels at night one tends to worry what would happen if something were to happen. Insurance is surprisingly not very expensive. "Sissypants" and I got on one policy, multi car discount, it adds up to about $9 more a month. That's crazy. The car, it's a 1990 Thunderbird. The kind of car in JR High that made a kid say cool. That was then and this is now. Anyways the car runs good and the body is solid. Sports 120,000 miles. It needs some stuff but nothing very major. Just run of the mill stuff that wears out. The people selling it were alright. They were asking $500 and they took $300 for it. The car reminds me of K.I.T.T. You know the Knight Industry Two Thousand. Knight Rider? David Hasselhoff? Christ... It's got a digital dash and buttons that beep when you push them. Awesome.

Ah yes shitty days suck don't they? Those days when no matter what you do (or apparently in some cases what you don't do) everything just seems to go downhill. Those days when you look in the mirror and just say "What the fuck". Everyone has them. Some more than others and in a million different ways. I have a big problem with the saying "the way you use to be". I heard it for oh...about 6 of the 7 years I was married. We all know how happily married I was. The way I use to be was yesterday. I can't go back and live yesterday again. I can however live for today and the days to come. The choice is clear for me. "...and straight on till morning" ~Capitan James T. Kirk Star Trek VI. I guess all I can say is that bad days happen just like good days. In the end, they all become yesterdays.

I wonder how long I could sit here and rub my finger over my lips before anyone would say anything? You know what I mean, and make an insane noise with it. Lets find out!

The urge to write is gone. I bid you farewell.


I love you Julie. For the rest of my days to come.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Is it sad that my life isn't as "exciting" as it once was? Depends on your definition of exciting. For me, the past was not very exciting nor enjoyable. Maybe some people think excitement comes from laying in your bed staring at the ceiling feeling the pain from hunger but the pain from life deafens it. Laying there only hoping that your eyes will shut and maybe you will get some sleep. Hell, maybe it made for good reads but what do I care about that? I was there, and went through every painful second of it. So if my drama level is not up to "par" I'm sure there are blogs out there that are filled with the shit. I'm perfectly happy with having a scorecard under par. In the end the saying rings true, "Save the drama for your mama".

Here's something very full of drama and suspense. Our dryer quit working. Stay tuned for details...

Life has been going well. We got our income tax back. Due to some tax law changes we aren't getting as much back as we were hyped up about. We set aside some money for my mom, who was my savior. It's not the total amount which I was hoping to give her, but it's half! We also paid off "sissypants" lawyer and now the ball rolls downhill on that front, which makes this daddy very happy. "D" seems to have come to some understanding on how to act. Keep in mind I say seems. It's only been one week. We'll see what time tells. "S", I can not say enough about how well behaved she is. Sure she's got her moments just like us all, but overall she's a great kid. She should be a great influence on Connor. Speaking about Connor, he is doing great. He is 17lbs now and is 26" long. He's starting on stage one foods. When we have supper, he eats with us. Tonight he feasted on carrots. He didn't care for them the first couple of spoon fulls, but he came around. Oh the other day, he puked on me twice. He loves me.

So my cat got his shots on Friday. This Friday the other two cats get shots and fixed and the pooch gets her shots. Then we'll have one happy vaccinated home.

The hunt for wheels rolls on.

I'd like to get some new ink soon. We'll see if there is any money left for that after we get some needs taken care of.

As for now, I'm going to look under every little rock to try to find something to do.


I love you Julie.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

A quick bit

What a long night it's been. I have a slight ear ache to go along with my tiredness. Home here I come...

So what's new? Not a whole lot. Income tax time is approaching and we can't wait. There are so many things to do where do we begin? First, we are paying my mom back. We also need another set of wheels. I'm hoping to find a descent cheap-o truck. After those two things there a few more to go! I'd like to payoff one of my bills. We'd like to get cheeseball and poop fixed. We MUST pay off her lawyer. There are still a few strings for that man to pull. So you see, here today gone tomorrow.

We were at the mall the other day. We walked by the jewelry store and I said, "Want to look at rings?". So we browsed. I got a feel for what style she likes. Do I have a ring now? No. Do I plan on it? Yes. Will I write it in here? Not until I ask the question. Jesus you people are nosy!

My computer mic is fucked. I actually think it's the jack. Every time I go to talk to "G" all he hears is static. So I'm going to spray it up with contact cleaner this morning. While I'm at it, I have a noisy fan that needs replacing...

As for now I gotta write up some req's.


I love you Julie.

Monday, January 09, 2006

9 days in and here is how it goes.

Yea, I'm breaking the rules. Tell my supervisor, I dare you.

So the New Year is a cool 9 almost 10 days old now. Here's what I got going on. Had a job interview today. Went well. Went so well that they want me to start in 2 weeks. Good? Sure. I have a problem. I put in for a job here for first shift a couple weeks ago. There is a guy retiring at the end of January and his job needs filled and it's on first shift. So the problem is this place drags it's feet like Wal-Mart drug it knuckles on that "Planet of the Apes" thing. I'm going to talk to my boss if not today tomorrow. See if he can find out any of the happenings. If all I'm given is a bunch of B.S. well then, I know my time here is over. Not that that would be a terrible thing.

We had G & K over this weekend. We got a bit tipsy. It was a good time. I have to tell you I really enjoy having friends over. For the better part of 10 years I never had anyone over to do anything, ever. My choice? No. My fault for not grabbing my junk and speaking up? Sure.

There's a 13 year old boy with a serious attitude problem under my roof. What do I do? G would suggest calling Dr. Phil I'm sure. But, I don't want to buy a book or a book on tape! You see, "D" doesn't care. It's that simple. He's meaner than fuck to his sister for no reason. He hates school so much, he'd rather act like a 5 year old and hide under things instead of getting up and going to school. Did I ever tell that story? The one where he was hiding under his built in dresser and I tried reasoning with him but it lead no where. So in the end I had to grab him by his leg and yank him out from under his little hiding hole. Yea, 13-year-old behavior right? I swear to God that this kid has a thing for "retards & fags" because that's all that ever comes out of his mouth. He has heard it from his mom and me to watch his mouth when we have company and around the baby. I will not allow my son to be influenced in such ways. It won't happen, period. So D has some choices.

#1. Get a grip and realize, hey life isn't too bad.
#2. Mature
#3. Get ready for some real hard times.
#4. Pack a bag.
I'm sure there's more.

He would rather move back into his grandmothers house than stay with us. Reasoning? He misses "the hood". This kid has no idea what a real "hood" would be. Only what he's seen on TV, games, and heard in music. One day he'll step out of line with the wrong people and he's going to fall, hard. I'm sure his mom will be there to catch him, but I'm not so sure that's what's best. It kills me to see how he brings down "J" so much by just being himself.

Here's some cheery news: I bowled a 132 this weekend. BOOYAH.

Connor has taken his vocabulary to a new level. Sure I have no idea what he's saying, but it's so damn cute. All sorts of different noises and tones have been coming out of him lately. I'm so proud of our son. He's getting so big. He's got an appointment today so I'll have some new measurements on him.

How goes things with my "sissypants"? Absolutely wonderful. I don't know what more to say than that.

As for now I'm going to see about being poetic.


I love you Julie.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Happy New Year

Through all the ups and downs of 'o5 I look forward to a much more stable '06.

We had ourselves a little gather on New Years eve. You see we made these things called jello shots and well, everyone enjoyed them, yes it's true. My very good friends "G" and Jamie stopped by along with their better halves "K" and Rachel. Rachel and my "sissypants" happen to be very good friends as well. I'm hopeful with time "K" and her will hit it off. Although "K" and "G" were only there for a little while, the time they were there was very fun. Jamie and Rachel and their tree kiddies spent the night. It was unusual for me to have a house full of people. I was so use to being the visitor and not the host. Hosting isn't bad. I give the night a 9 out of 0. No one got sick or woke up with hangovers. The highlight of the party? Jamie and I laughed our asses off for about 10 minutes or so. The kind of laugh that turns your eyes into a running faucet. What was so funny? Hell I don't know! I came downstairs from checking on Connor, looked at Jamie and said "What?" and that was the start of it. It felt very good. It was like a montage of memories playing in my head when the laughing was going on. It was like I remembered everything that has happened all at once and I couldn't control myself. Yes, I will not forget this past new years. Julie and I plan on doing this every year now. It was a good time pure and simple.

The best part of this new years was actually ringing it in with sissypants. It's been about 3 new years in the making. Watching that ball drop and counting down the last seconds of 'o5 with her was wonderful. I look forward to welcoming the rest of my new years with her.

As for now, I hear a poem knocking. I must answer the door...


I love you Julie.
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