Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Is it sad that my life isn't as "exciting" as it once was? Depends on your definition of exciting. For me, the past was not very exciting nor enjoyable. Maybe some people think excitement comes from laying in your bed staring at the ceiling feeling the pain from hunger but the pain from life deafens it. Laying there only hoping that your eyes will shut and maybe you will get some sleep. Hell, maybe it made for good reads but what do I care about that? I was there, and went through every painful second of it. So if my drama level is not up to "par" I'm sure there are blogs out there that are filled with the shit. I'm perfectly happy with having a scorecard under par. In the end the saying rings true, "Save the drama for your mama".

Here's something very full of drama and suspense. Our dryer quit working. Stay tuned for details...

Life has been going well. We got our income tax back. Due to some tax law changes we aren't getting as much back as we were hyped up about. We set aside some money for my mom, who was my savior. It's not the total amount which I was hoping to give her, but it's half! We also paid off "sissypants" lawyer and now the ball rolls downhill on that front, which makes this daddy very happy. "D" seems to have come to some understanding on how to act. Keep in mind I say seems. It's only been one week. We'll see what time tells. "S", I can not say enough about how well behaved she is. Sure she's got her moments just like us all, but overall she's a great kid. She should be a great influence on Connor. Speaking about Connor, he is doing great. He is 17lbs now and is 26" long. He's starting on stage one foods. When we have supper, he eats with us. Tonight he feasted on carrots. He didn't care for them the first couple of spoon fulls, but he came around. Oh the other day, he puked on me twice. He loves me.

So my cat got his shots on Friday. This Friday the other two cats get shots and fixed and the pooch gets her shots. Then we'll have one happy vaccinated home.

The hunt for wheels rolls on.

I'd like to get some new ink soon. We'll see if there is any money left for that after we get some needs taken care of.

As for now, I'm going to look under every little rock to try to find something to do.


I love you Julie.


Blogger JW said...

No more drama!! Just happiness!

6:46 AM  

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