Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Holiday season, religious observation, holiday season, religious observation now shoot!

The title was suppose to be read with the voice of Bugs Bunny saying holiday season and the voice of Daffy Duck saying religious observation...

Would you like to see my pencil holder? Just drop something and look as I pick it up.

There's a new blog on the block and I look forward to reading it everyday and putting in my two cents worth about it. My first two goes as follows:

So yea we got this new place and yea, it's coming together. With me working nights and such I feel badly that I don't help out with more than I do. I feel like I slow down the whole getting settled process. I however, give it my all. That usually means going and going until my tank is on E. I did catch up on sleep today which was very...recharging! The future in-laws came by tonight for a little while to drop off the gifts for the children (said in my best Chief voice) and of course to visit. Everyone seemed satisfied with what they were given. I was more interested in seeing Connor go crazy with his new play set thing. Basically he kicks this pedal at the bottom and it makes noise or plays music and also makes something spin. I know it may sound crazy but I believe he had the concept down. He'd kick it, the things would spin and noises would be made. Then when it was quiet he'd do it again, and so on. I do have a regret about the whole thing last night. We didn't have the camera handy to take pics. I saw on wal-marts website they have a cheap camcorders. May have to check this out some more.

As for the lazy landlady, I don't know what to think. I've never rented before. Supposedly someone is coming by today between 3-4 to fix this damn leak. My opinion will be based on how she handles this water bill. She said she'd pay anything that was "above normal". I believe she told me normal was around $66 or $86. We'll see...

How am I? Not too bad. I am getting anxious about Christmas. I already have be given the best gifts I could ever hope to receive. Now I will get to enjoy them together, on a very special day for us all. No matter what the future holds or what the past has seen gone by these days I now live will go with me to my grave. I couldn't picture a more perfect site on Christmas morning than waking up beside the love of my life as "D" and "S" go crazy over gifts and as Connor look on with that look of learning in his eyes. It shall be a very Merry Christmas at my house this year.

I swear every time I read back over something I just wrote I leave out words that I swear I wrote.

Question: What do you call someone who does something to themselves that takes time away from those they love? Even though they know what they do is bad. I just don't think they look ahead. I speak of the very harmful affects of cigarette smoking. Almost everyone I love, kills themselves a little more each day with these fucking things. I just don't understand. As documented on this blog before, I'm not scared of a little "wacky tabbaccy" now and then. From everything I have heard and read I would much rather tie one on rather than wolf down a chemically laced cancer stick. I've heard reason ranging from the absurd to the relevant on why people can't quit. Here's how you should look at it. Just fucking quit. If not for yourself for those you love. If you can't will yourself enough to do that than I think you should check yourself at the door for the real meaning of love and while you at it look up the meaning of pain because that's what will given to everyone sooner or later.

Did I just vent? I guess I did.

Audioslave - Doesn't remind me A nice little diddy that gets my foot tapping and my spirits lifting.

As for now back to it.

My "sissypants" gave me a shout out and I will now do the same at the end of each of my entries.


I love you Julie...


Blogger JW said...

Every morning that I get to wake up next to you is perfect. Just as everytime I get to fall asleep in your arms is perfect.

7:39 AM  

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