Thursday, September 14, 2006

"Open your fucking ears jackass"

That quote is from the "Jerky Boys". I find that it is quite fitting.

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan has said leaders of Middle Eastern nations believe the Iraq war has "been a real disaster" for the region.
His comments to reporters on Wednesday came after a two-week trip through the Middle East and on a day when separate bomb attacks killed at least 22 people in Baghdad.
"Honestly, most of the leaders I spoke to felt the invasion of Iraq and its aftermath has been a real disaster for them," Annan said. "They believe it has destabilized the region."
Annan went on to describe "two schools" of thought -- those who believe the United States should stay, "having created the problem, they cannot walk away," and those, "particularly in Iran," who "believe the presence of the U.S." is a problem.
Annan said it is his opinion that "the U.S. has found itself in a position where it cannot stay and it cannot leave."

This is what this sounds like to me:

You have your house painted. The painters tell you that they did a wonderful job. However, upon review by the home owner they find that the house is a mess. Runs, smears, splatters on the carpets, paint on the windows, the whole 9 yards...

...However the home owner has already paid the painters who have since cashed the check.

Poor home owner is fucked, being stuck with the mess.

The poor painters, they go on thinking they have done a good job.


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