Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I wear a size 14 boot...

...and it seems it will be kicking some ass out of my house. We met with our lawyer today. I guess it's safe to call him our lawyer now. He's taken care of some very personal stuff for us, and for that I'm thankful for his services. Our lawyer is a lawyer I would expect someone like myself to have. He's a little on the odd side, but knows his shit. Anyway once we exchanged hellos I let him know all of my concerns.

One being about all the money they've put into the place. He said I'm covered with how the lease is worded. There would be no way they could file a claim for anything they've done. My other big concern is getting them out and how long it would take. He said since this isn't exactly tenant/landlord situation the laws and outlines do not apply to it as such. Which means, no bullshit waiting 15 days here or 30 days there. He suggested giving them until Dec 10th to pay the rent. When the 10th comes no matter if they have paid it in full or only partial we begin the booting processes. Basically he sends them a letter letting them know that I am repossessing the property and that they will have two weeks to get out. We determined two weeks was a "fair" time. After that time if they are not out, we file a complaint w/ the district attorney. He had said there would be no case for them. Pure and simple the lease has run its course and I am repossessing my property due to that reason.

This is of course assuming they don't pull $60,000 out of their ass cracks.

I also spoke about my ex and her ability to piss on our divorce agreement. He said that I could summons her to court. Once in court, she would be found in contempt of court because by not paying the Lowe's account she is not following the divorce agreement which the court passed judgment on. He said I could serve her w/ the papers or I could pay a constable to do so. I'll probably go w/ the constable. Also any court/lawyer fees, I would sue her for. That was the lawyers suggestion. Merry Christmas. I hope you like your present.


I love you Julie.


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