Monday, November 20, 2006

Story time

Gather around everyone, it's story time.

I've been renting out a house since last December. At the time there was the wife and husband who really wanted the house but had no money. Then there was the wife's mom and dad. Both of whom were to live there and help out with expenses. They both got disability and social security or something like that. Lets fast forward 11 months. The mom, passed away. The dad, got a girl friend and moved out. The husband and wife? I just learned that they split. The twist? The wife is pregnant and doesn't know who baby's daddy is. The husband is not living there. The wife's dad moved back in to quote the wife "Try and save me".

Now I don't know about all of you, but I am certain now that there is no way my house is selling at the end of the year. You may ask yourself, won't you feel bad kicking out a pregnant woman? Absolutely not and here's why. You see, I'd be moving in with my pregnant wife not to mention the rest of the clan! I totally feel no remorse for her or anyone involved. They've had 12 months to get their act together. Instead of taking advantage of the deal, they have let it go to shit. I'm sure that it will come down to having them removed from the house, but so be it. They can take their soap somewhere more appropriate, like a trailer park. I will be meeting with our lawyer very shortly. My only doubt comes from thinking about what the court may do. From everything that I've read, courts lean towards tenants and not landlords. However, once the lease is up what is there to fight? Time tells and time is getting short.

Had a pretty good birthday. You see my "sissypants" invited our dearest friends over and we had a blast. It was a surprise up until about 10 minutes before people showed up. You see I knew something was up but I didn't know what. So we went out to eat and grabbed some flicks. Once we got home I was pretty persistent about wanting to know what was going on. I just wanted to know if I could go upstairs and get comfy or not. I apologize to my wife for the world to see. I know it upset you that I bugged about it, but I meant no harm and I was very happy with what you did for me. I just love hanging out with the gang. We always seem to have a good time. We played asshole of course. I was asshole quite a bit. From being called Mary, to being called bitch, it was a good time. I pause to think about what kind of adventures we could all have if (when) I end up in McElhattan.

That was the night before my birthday. Today was actually the day. It was pretty quite. Julie and I went to breakfast and then to my folks. Connor spent the night there. He's in this phase now where if we go to their house he flips out and is very clingy. You see, that's really the only place he spends the night and he's getting to know if we go there he may be spending the night. So, he flips. I think it's because he's a mamas boy but everyone else says it's a phase. Call it what you will, it makes me sad to see him like that. Anyway, after leaving there we went home and took a little nap. Afterwards Julie's folks showed up w/ her two kiddies and we had dinner. After which I gave the dog a bath. She's going to the vet tomorrow to find out why exactly she's been eating herself! Hopefully it's a cheap fix...

How many more times can I say I hate working third shift before I have enough of it? Once more maybe?


I love you Misses!


Blogger JW said...

You kinda sounded like a kid wanting to know what his suprise was. What is it? What is it? Thats ok though, I am glad everyone enjoyed themselves. I love you too!

6:54 AM  

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