Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Did you know, I like "professional" wrestling. I'm not a crazy fan though. Hell, I don't even really watch it anymore. On the occasion I do, but I couldn't tell you the last time I sat down and watched a full episode. I read up on it, so without actually seeing the TV shows I still know what's going on. Then, I also check out "real" news. When I read this stuff, it's as if I'm reading an article at I find out what is going on other than the stuff that's produced. Like who's contract is expiring soon, or who may have gotten busted for possession.

Anyway, recently one of my favorites has been in the picture tube box. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper. One thing that has never changed for me whether I was 10 or going on 29, I still think the gimmick is cool. Tough guy, former boxer, cocky mouth, T-shirt that says Hot Rod, black leather coat, and of course a kilt = Fucking awesome. Lets not forget about the B movies! "I have come here to chew bubble and kick ass, and I'm all out of bubble gum.". What more do I need to say? Back to the point. He recently saw some action and captured some gold. This made me want to watch again. After viewing some TV and a few internet clips I realized Roddy Piper is getting old. I've known for many years that he's been older in age. I've never really seen it until now. I know that I've probably seen his last in ring performances. And as the sun sets on his in ring career I often wonder, when will there be a sequel to They live. Apparently, I share likes with others.

Getting old, I wonder what it's like? I guess I'm finding that out more and more every day. I'm going to be turning 29 this Sunday. So of course I know what happens the year after that. The big 30. Getting old just happens. Hell, didn't I just turn 18? I know in the big picture 30 is still a pup. However to that 10 year old watching wrestling, 30 is old. I will always be old to my children. I'll be almost 40 when my children are turning 10. They will never get to see the young me that I can remember very clearly. I wonder, as I get older, will those memories that I can see fairly clear now just fade away, barely being seen. I hope not as I still enjoy them from time to time. Happy birthday to me.


I love you Julie.


Blogger JW said...

Oh your not getting old yet. However, you do have lots of grays!!
I love you bunches!

7:39 AM  

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