Would you believe the landlady is actually getting around to fixing up here place? I couldn't believe it myself, but it is happening. Friday I believe the guy came over and started laying tile. Did he finish? No. It's about 3/4 of the way done and word has it he'll be back Tuesday to finish it up. At least we were able to set up the dining room table and have our first meal as a family in over a month. What was on the menu? Fish sticks and mac n cheese!
My friend Jamie had a birthday bash of sorts. There was some drinks and we played some rummy. I'm sure if there would have been a few more people a game of asshole would have been bound to go down, but as it were we hit the wall at like 10pm. Sitting there, feeling like that makes you realize something. We are getting old. It makes me think of the coming New Year. If I recall correctly we had a pretty good time at our house last year and I think we plan on doing it again. Hopefully we can get the same turn out if not another person or two. By then my "sissypants" will be sporting a 5 month baby in her belly.
Speaking of that, Wednesday is so close. I'm getting flutters in my belly thinking about it. While we were at Wal-Mart today (my apologizes G) I saw this little pink girly teddy bear thing. Not exactly sure what it was, but it made me smile thinking about a little girl. Either way, healthy is all that we need. A boy or girl will be welcomed to the clan with open arms and hearts.
Tuesday is a big day for other big reasons. It's been a long 13+ months little Hedglin...
So I got these fuckers that live in my house. Can't seem to pay, all at once. I get upset, yes I do. My wife gets more upset, what can I do? Two more months, is all that's on the lease. After that time, we shall set them free. I would have no problem giving them a Christmas eviction. If it keeps up, I may just be Jolly Saint Nick.
This is the part of the show where I like to introduce the members of my band. Julie, Connor, Shaina, Drew, Kida, Raja, Cheeseball, Poop, and the fish. You all make me crazy. In a good way.
I've been kicking the idea around of starting a poetry blog. I also, can't kick the idea of a novel out of my head (thanks G). I know that angelfire is as cutting edge as 1999 so I smell change. Once upon a time I use to have the domain johnspoetry.com however as time went on they decided I needed to pay for it so I said funk dat. We'll see. Doing anything with my poetry or a novel will take time. Time as it is, seems to disappear.
Speaking of time and seeing less of it, I start at Lowe's on the 24th. Get trained for 3 days then on my own the following Monday. I'm not terribly nervous or anxious. I just want to get in there and make some cash.

I like transformers. What's wrong with that?
I love you Julie.