Wednesday, February 28, 2007


So the house was a let down. Caused me to loose some sleep and get a little down. What can we do though? We'll just keep on, keeping on! Got the green light up to $75,000. At the interest rate I can get right now (7.5%, on a good note my credit score went up 57 points in a little over a month) we'll try to keep it in the $60,000 range.

Besides, I got too much going for me to get down about a house. The closer baby day comes, the more nervous/anxious I am getting. The hospital bag is ready. I need to get a couple things around for myself. I just would have liked to bring Gabriele into our home and not a house we rent.

I have a second interview for a job this Friday. I just don't get second interviews. If I go there and they don't have any new material (meaning, asking me the same questions) I'll be a little upset. I'll hide it though, because I really want out of the DRW! It's not so much the job as it is the hours.

I'm paying the price for having McDonald's for breakfast. I have heart burn something terrible.

In my last post I wrote about how good my dogs are. Well, yesterday they decided to break out of the fence and go roaming for a couple hours. Lets just say when they got home Kida was a mess and Ebony looked wore out. They both got baths.

I'm not feeling very blogish. I just want to go home and snuggle up to my sexy mama...


I love you Julie.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

11 days inbetween

I just enjoyed a nice hot dish of chicken & rice w/ veggies in only 90 seconds. 90 seconds for simulated home cooking. Try it, you'll like it.

We made an offer on a house. It'll be a nice house, one day. There's no sense in jumping into how I would like to do this or that until we know something for sure. Who said I had sense? The first thing I would do is insulate the attic. Then I'd do any other kind of weatherization I could get done now, done NOW! So on and so forth. Yes, we don't hear anything official until today but, we still have thought a lot of things already. Perhaps it is all just for a let down. Then again, it may be for something else...

If you'd walk in my front door tomorrow this may be something you encounter:

First, watch out for what we call "piddles". You see our puppy (also known as a shiteater to some) isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. She doesn't know yet that she's suppose to take care of all that outside. Plus, you should see how this puppy grows. I'm sure if her body is growing that much that fast her guts are too. Poor girl, she'll be alright. I see a lot of good dog there...

You may hear this next thing before you see it. Rest assured, you will see it. "It"'s my son. His 2 current favorite sayings are "Thank you" and "Ut-oh". Now sometimes thank you only sounds like the sound of thank you, but ut-oh is ut-oh. If you were to give him a cuppy he would say, thank you. If he were to give you a foam number, he would say thank you. If that cuppy were to run dry, he would say ut-oh. If he would throw his foam number, he would say "ut-oh". I think he's pretty alright with his language. I never realized I would be so taken by hearing a little boy say ut-oh and thank you. He's working on I love you. When he's trying to say it, it sounds like "I doooo". I love you too buddy...

Then there's "sis". I wonder if she knows she's gone from being the little sister, to forever being the big sister. I think she will make a much better big sister than little. You may see her drawing a picture and giving it to her mother and me. The picture may be of what she thinks her baby sister looks like, or maybe a list of what she wishes for her. Very nice. I think she deserves to enjoy every moment of her life...

Then there's the closer to 15 than 14 year old, Drewsive. I feel as if he could be a much better big brother. There are times I feel badly for how he treats his sister. I just don't get it. Connor will not be like that. I'm sure there is really that "brother/sister" thing that I just don't get being a lonely child, but I do think I know when something is right and wrong. I could understand it even a bit more if the age difference wasn't what it is. I hope he can find the thing(s) to make him happy...

Perhaps while you were visiting the bathroom, you would be visited by one or our cats. They seem to believe in the buddy system when it comes to taken care of business. Everyone morning I have at least one of them in there loving on me. There's a difference between cat affection and dog affection. I don't care what you say, there is. I only wish my cat would snuggle at sleep time again. I miss it...

Then I'm sure by now you'll have a great big white hair ball jumping up on you getting kisses. Kida loves that. She's been doing a good job of letting the puppy know what lines not to cross. No major fights and we're gonna keep it that way or I'll get in there and break that shit up. Ever since she stayed with my folks for a couple months she's become quite the begger. I can't complain too much, she's a good girl...

Last but not least, you'll see my very pregnant "sissypants". We are in the home stretch now. Julie says March 18, doctors say April 1. I say soon, no matter what day we will be joined by our baby girl. Oh my, I didn't share the name. Gabrielle Christine. Nice isn't it? Gabrielle, a name my sissypants loves. I have to admit, it isn't bad. Christine, my mothers name. What more meaning can a namely possibly have? You may see my sissypants sitting rubbing her belly, or you may see her ignoring my orders that she stops working and takes it easy. It's alright, I know she'll take a break when she needs one. She's a good mommy. I miss her very much right now...

Would you like crackers with your soup?


I love you Julie.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Thinking aloud with my finger tips

T minus 6 weeks and counting. We have a name picked out. Finally. Turns out to be the name I thought it would be weeks ago. I'm not saying just yet what it is. I'd like it to be a surprise but part of me feels that it should not be. I'll talk w/ my "sissypants" some more on the matter and make a final decision.

Is my blog to personal that it's boring? I don't really care either way. I write here because it makes me feel good. I get something out of it. Then, am I being greedy with my blog? If I didn't get some sort of release (no...not that release) from it I think it would be just a big waste of time. Maybe that's what my blog is, a big waste of time. I do know it's my blog, so take it for what it's worth.

I had a pretty promising interview the other day. I made comparable traveling time. Meaning it took me about the same to get there as it does to get to my current job. However, that was traveling 44. I could only imagine what 44 was like with this snow we just got. Oh yea, news flash, we got some snow. Without taking 44 it would take me at least twice as long to get there. I suggested looking for a house closer to the area if I would happen to take the job. I don't think (by think I mean know) that idea went over well. It'd be a shame to pass up an opportunity to finally work normal hours at a slightly better wage. I have to be offered the job first, so no sense in getting all worked up over a big plate full of nothing.

Speaking of snow, the plan is this weekend to take Connor for his first sled riding adventure. My folks have a little hill in their back yard, so that's where we'll be heading. I haven't done anything fun in the snow in a great number of years. I really looking forward to seeing his face the first time we zip down on a tube. I can always remember enjoying sled riding. I had this plastic orange sled. Thing was a beast. Rode that thing into the ground. I'm sure I'll enjoy myself just as much, if not more. I do know, I'm not looking forward to all the cold that comes with this. If memory serves correctly, I don't ever remember minding the cold. *WARNING* Memory is not what it use to be.

I really wish we had room for a weight machine. I'd use that thing everyday. As it is currently we don't have room for another pair of shoes let alone a weight machine. Well, maybe it's not that bad. Depends on who's shoes we are talking about I guess. Some of us are called big foot and poked at with sticks and hit in the head w/ stones as we check the mail. And that, is just from my wife!

You know what pushes my buttons. There are several people at work that talk as if they own the place. It drives me bonkers. I just want to tell them to shut the fuck up. My number is 2744 and I'm sure they all have a number in their wallet. That's what you are my friends. Nothing more.

I feel as if I have aimlessly paved a road to nowhere. Mission complete.


I love you Julie

Thursday, February 08, 2007


Have you heard? This years Ozzfest will be FREE. Let me rephrase that. This years Ozzfest will be FUCKING FREE! Ozzy's gonna be there, what more do you need? No guess work on what shows he will or will not do. He's on board for all 25 dates as the headliner on the main stage. Apparently the tickets will be obtained online. More than likely at sponsor sites or if your like me, at This has never been done before. I can tell you one thing, they will sell more merchandise this way. Considering t-shirts start at about $30! I never thought the tickets were outrageous. I think last year I paid like $45 for an all day festival (even though we did leave early). I would have paid this year too, however I will sign up for my free tickets as soon as I can. I'll be there, will you?

Going to look at a house on Friday. Stay tuned.

Another week, and another successful doctors visit. My "sissypants" is really blooming now. Our baby girl keeps on growing as her day nears. The name that I thought would be a shoe in was officially tossed yesterday. Back to square one... I am a very happy daddy knowing all is back on track with everything.

Sounds like a card game at my house this weekend. I need to get something hooked up downstairs to play mp3's!

If you'll forgive me, mother nature is calling.


I love you Julie.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The van has landed

It's green, it's bad, it's rad! It's John and Julie's minivan!'s still green though. A big shout out to G for his assistance. It was a good trip down. Uneventful, which to me is always good when going somewhere new. No real issues. Putting the finishing touches on the paper work on Wed probably. And finally, when you see me coming keep in mind, I'm not a soccer mom. I'm sure my ass and boobs will disappoint you.

I have a interview this morning. I won't hold my breath, but I will do my best. Unfortunately my interview is at the same time my "sissypants" has a appointment. I hate missing appointments. I'm hopeful all will be well with my sweetie and our growing baby girl.

I fell down about 5 steps this morning. Don't really know what happened. Took a step, next thing I knew I was on my ass banging down the stairs. My fucking tailbone is hurting me but other than that I'm alright. I can't remember the last time I fell down...


I love you Julie.
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