Friday, April 27, 2007

I am no longer a DRW employee

It's true, I'm done. I feel 100% fine with it. I remember leaving a job that I once had for about the same length of time and being quite worked up about it. Not this time, not this job. It just wasn't meant to be.

So since I'm not longer at DRW that means I have to update my blog from home! What will I do?


I love you Julie, bunches.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

You can't make this shit up...

So of course something would happen right before I call it quits at good 'ol DRW.

There's this guy that no body really likes. I admit he's kind of creepy. He's been in jail for beating on his lady so ya know, whatever. Anyway, he lost his artificial eye tonight.

What's more disturbing the fact that he lost it or if some one finds it?

Tomorrow is my last night and I know I will not be here all night. Maybe a couple hours. I have some shit to get out of here yet. Like my radio and microwave. I'll miss it a little then before you know I won't miss it at all.

I'm not very wordy right now...


I love you Julie.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

This will take 5 minutes or so...

Yea, if I paid more frequent visits to the blog, they'd be shorter.

It's no secret I've been trying to find a new job. I'm sure if I looked back through the blog I could maybe put some sort of time frame on it. I'm going to say around two years. In those two years I took a job for a day through a temp agency and gave it a try. It made me realize just why working production is no fun. I've had jobs offered to me, but tuned them down. The reasons were mostly all the same. Pay sucked, benefits sucked, or both.

Then recently I was offered a job that paid slightly better than I made now, but I just wasn't feeling the job. I had told them I would take the job, but after thinking on it for a week I decided it wasn't "it". While I was thinking about the job I would later turn down, I had an interview for a position that really sounds like my cup of tea. To boot the pay was pretty good and the benefits matched. Did I mention the hours are 7am-3-pm? That's right, normalcy. It is a bit of a drive, but you know what? I don't mind a good trip.

So I start there on 4/30. My last night where I am is 4/26. Not so far away. I find it amazing that so many people that I've seen everyday for the past 4 years (almost) all of the sudden want to know what I'm doing. Is it wrong that I didn't come in and spout off about how I was leaving and every one could go to hell? I don't think so. I told who I needed to tell. Now, every body is asking me this or that. Here's the main question I hear.

Why are you leaving? Why am I leaving? What's your fucking name anyway? Steve? Well Steve, did you know for the past 4 years (almost) we've called you douche bag back here? Anyway, there are a few reasons. First, at this point in my life working nights has worn out its welcome. There was a time when I would look forward to going to work at night. Hell who wouldn't? There I was with good friends and smoking an once of pot a week. Those days, are no more.

The hours aside, the place in general sucks. I make, what I would say is the bottom end of ok money. I didn't reach that though, until this year. I've never seen a company care so less. There is no structure here and it's enough to drive some one who cares absolutely fucking crazy. How do you move up when the company doesn't promote much from within? I don't know how some of the people that have been here so long, doing what they are doing, don't loose it.

I care, I can't help it. I have never, tried for so long to get out of a place...

I believe my family life will benefit from the added normalcy. Going to bed at night time? Eating supper at supper time? Seeing everyone for more than a couple hours a day? All these have been foreign to me for far too long.

I certainly feel ready for this change of jobs. Its as if weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Which feels pretty good considering how much getting a house weighs on me. There's been bad news for us sub primers (no relation to Optimus). Basically if your credit score is below 600 you're F'd in the A. Since the mortgage industry is in shambles as far as I'm concerned, creditors won't lend with out some major cash down and ass raping interest. This is all very bad for me. My credit score is very close to 600 now. Trust me, 4 months ago 600 was off in the distance. So I've been kicking around the idea w/ just waiting until next income tax. By then my credit score will be well above 600, I'd have about a year in with my new salary, we'd have a fresh batch of refund money, and I would be approved for a higher amount. We'll keep our eyes open for a sweet deal, but if nothing comes along this plan sounds good.

How's my baby girl? Well when she's not looking at you as if she's going to kick your face in, she's adorable. Seriously this little girl has some mean looks. She must get that from her dad. She's doing very well. I think she looks like a fat cat when she's on her back. She's go these little arms and legs and this wide torso. So beautiful. She fell asleep on me this morning after fussing with my "sissypants". I love when she will say to me, "She just wanted her daddy."

How's my baby boy? Looking more and more like a little boy everyday. He's pretty much out of control. In mostly a good way. He's really digging a few kid shows now. Blue's Clues, Zaboomafu, Back yardigans, are the main three I think. He also like Spongebob. I never gave Spongebob a chance until I was a friend's house and the snail, Gary, meowed. I remember saying, "Did that snail just meow"? I know my boy will love having a house w/ more room so he can go even crazier. Daddy's trying buddy...

My wife is doing very well. She still doesn't feel 100% but she's getting there. In fact she has her first check up since having the baby today. I really hope it goes well for her. At this point any kind of set back would bring her down, and I do not want that. I'm still looking forward to having a night out w/ my baby. We need to kick that shit old school!

Shaina is a walking hospital visit. At least since I've been in the picture it seems that way. She broke a toe a few days ago now. I keep telling Julie that she needs calcium. That, and she needs to be careful and pay more attention. A little of both go a long way.

Drew, where do I begin? The boy is in great danger of failing. We went through this last year and he pulled through. However, this year looks much more bleak. I tried talking about this and it didn't get very far. In fact, we had a bit of a tiff about it. That was "dramor" related. Is it wrong for me to want him to do well? Is it wrong for me to see thing as they are? I don't think it is. We'll see what June brings.

Ozzy Osbourne new album "Black Rain" out May 22nd. I'm pre ordering.

Go Yankees!


I love you Julie.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

I call it "dramor"

As defined by me: Drama + Horror = Dramor

It was a night full of dramor for me last night. Tears, arguing, people falling down. You name it, it was going down. Throw all that on top of the fact I've been sick for about a week now and my left ear is so fucked, I think a deaf person would hear better than I do out of it, it made for a long painful night.

The sunrise has brought better luck today.


I love you Julie.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Aggressive beeping

So if you've read my blog or if you're one of those people that actually know me, you know that I got a van recently. A van my family will rely on heavily in the years to come.

That said, I flashback to last Thursday. I was picking my step son up from school. I'm sitting there waiting with Connor and Shaina and this red caviler pulls in front of me. It appears as if they are going to back in beside me. So I'm sitting there watching this unfold nice and slowly. It appears to me the way this car is pulled in front of me there is no way they can get beside me. I figured, they must know what they are doing. Then I noticed the old woman driving with curlers in her hair. No joke.

She starts backing up, at idle speed. It had to be idle speed for how slow she was going. You'd think going slow would allow you lots of time for lots of things. For instance, glancing in your mirror and seeing the van behind you. I guess that I must have been kidding myself. It became clear that this lady was not trying to park beside me, but on top of me. I proceed to honk the horn. A steady honk. She keeps coming and then, bump...

...after the bump she stops, pulls forward and is coming back to give me more. Maybe she wanted to bump uglies with me. Anyway, at this point I'm pretty fired up. I proceed to aggressively beep. Then finally she stops and looks over and our eyes meet. I yell out the window "You fucking dumbass!". Now this wasn't at the top of my lungs, maybe 80% of what I could have done. It was loud. I woke up the lady beside me that was napping.

After that, the lady in the red caviler drove away and parked in a different location. I noticed several people looking in my direction, looking as if they were waiting for me to attack. I simply sat there and let my mind entertain me with visions. Like, me getting out and kicking her car or what I liked better, was me getting out and throwing her keys. Doing everyone a fucking favor.

What do I find most amusing about this whole thing? Just thinking about what all the regulars there were thinking. Here I am, there for the first time in a strange vehicle screaming profanity out the window. I'm sure I was the talk of a few soccer moms that afternoon.

This ends aggressive beeping.


Baby news

I hope no one was worried about all of us. We are just fine. It's been a busy week or so in my world.

Our baby girl has joined us and I must say she's beautiful. I have been blessed with so much that I will never forget. The first time I saw her, her first sound, the first tear she made me shed as a person and not a thought. She was much like her brother, taking the harder road to get here. She's here now and I am thankful for her.

I'm also thankful for my wife. She's been through so much. Gabrielle was delivered C-section, not a planned either. I know my "sissypants" wanted so badly to avoid a C-section but there are times when your wants don't play a factor. This was one of those times. We got to the hospital around 6:30-7am and Gabrielle was born 5:27pm. Labor was pretty straight forward until the last hour or so. Then our baby girl simply got stuck. After surgery and some time in recovery we were all reunited in the nursery. Room 520. There we learned that there may be some complications. My wife was bleeding and had a major blood clot. If things didn't take care of themselves, they were going to have to do a hysterectomy. We were lucky, and thankfully Julie is home safe and sound. She and baby were in the hospital for a week. I'd say things didn't start smoothing out until Wednesday. Everyone came home Friday night. So once again, I'm very thankful that my wife is alright. I love her very much.

What can I say about my 1 week old daughter? She's got dark hair with a red tint and brown eyes. I can say she looks a lot like her brother at the same age. She's pretty laid back until you mess with her. If you want to change her or dresser her prepare yourself for one fired up little baby girl. She gets so mad. When she's like this, she shows off how strong she is. It's amazing how much of a fight such a little thing can put up. She's also got her own cry. I think she sounds silly. It' s a cry that builds itself up. It starts out with just a couple grunts and squeaks and before you know it she's screaming at you. This also happens when she's hungry and you're not on top of your game. I can say that she is loved very much and that I miss her right now...

Stay tuned for pics. I had some major computer issues right before the baby was born and I have not had time to sit down and install my camera software.

Connor is taking to the baby nicely. In fact I have him smelling her feet and going "phew" as if they stink. He's not all about her or anything, but he's also not against her. I think he will be an awesome big brother.

Shaina is loving the baby, as we all knew she would. I've said it before and I'll say it again: She'll make a much better big sister than little.

Drew, he didn't hold the baby until a day before she came home. Why? I don't know. Probably because she's a girl and Connor was a boy. I fairly certain he's quite neutral on the addition. Hopefully he'll come around.

Mommy, she love her girl very much. Even after, everything she's been through. Looking into those beautiful brown eyes of hers I see Julie disappear into a world of dreams. I could watch them every waking moment I may have.

Daddy, he loves his girl very much as well. I am quite happy with what my family has become. Only a couple years ago I never would have pictured this, never. You never know what life has in store for you, and I'm glad I didn't see this coming. I am a very proud papa.


I love you Julie.

Welcome to the world part II

Gabrielle Christine
Born: March 26 2007
Weight: 7lbs.
Length: 19in
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