Baby news

Our baby girl has joined us and I must say she's beautiful. I have been blessed with so much that I will never forget. The first time I saw her, her first sound, the first tear she made me shed as a person and not a thought. She was much like her brother, taking the harder road to get here. She's here now and I am thankful for her.
I'm also thankful for my wife. She's been through so much. Gabrielle was delivered C-section, not a planned either. I know my "sissypants" wanted so badly to avoid a C-section but there are times when your wants don't play a factor. This was one of those times. We got to the hospital around 6:30-7am and Gabrielle was born 5:27pm. Labor was pretty straight forward until the last hour or so. Then our baby girl simply got stuck. After surgery and some time in recovery we were all reunited in the nursery. Room 520. There we learned that there may be some complications. My wife was bleeding and had a major blood clot. If things didn't take care of themselves, they were going to have to do a hysterectomy. We were lucky, and thankfully Julie is home safe and sound. She and baby were in the hospital for a week. I'd say things didn't start smoothing out until Wednesday. Everyone came home Friday night. So once again, I'm very thankful that my wife is alright. I love her very much.
What can I say about my 1 week old daughter? She's got dark hair with a red tint and brown eyes. I can say she looks a lot like her brother at the same age. She's pretty laid back until you mess with her. If you want to change her or dresser her prepare yourself for one fired up little baby girl. She gets so mad. When she's like this, she shows off how strong she is. It's amazing how much of a fight such a little thing can put up. She's also got her own cry. I think she sounds silly. It' s a cry that builds itself up. It starts out with just a couple grunts and squeaks and before you know it she's screaming at you. This also happens when she's hungry and you're not on top of your game. I can say that she is loved very much and that I miss her right now...
Stay tuned for pics. I had some major computer issues right before the baby was born and I have not had time to sit down and install my camera software.
Connor is taking to the baby nicely. In fact I have him smelling her feet and going "phew" as if they stink. He's not all about her or anything, but he's also not against her. I think he will be an awesome big brother.
Shaina is loving the baby, as we all knew she would. I've said it before and I'll say it again: She'll make a much better big sister than little.
Drew, he didn't hold the baby until a day before she came home. Why? I don't know. Probably because she's a girl and Connor was a boy. I fairly certain he's quite neutral on the addition. Hopefully he'll come around.
Mommy, she love her girl very much. Even after, everything she's been through. Looking into those beautiful brown eyes of hers I see Julie disappear into a world of dreams. I could watch them every waking moment I may have.
Daddy, he loves his girl very much as well. I am quite happy with what my family has become. Only a couple years ago I never would have pictured this, never. You never know what life has in store for you, and I'm glad I didn't see this coming. I am a very proud papa.
I love you Julie.
Having another c-section is exactly what I didnt want but we got through it okay. Well atleast Gabrielle did. The crazy bleeding afterwards really did a number on me. But I am okay now. My blood count is still alot lower than it should be. The Dr. says it will take months to get back to normal(Joy). For the most part I feel fine. I'm very thankful my husband was by my side the whole time. I dont know what I would do without him.
Gabrielle is 2 and 1/2 weeks now and she weighs 8lbs 8oz and grew an inch. She still doesnt like to be pissed with. She can give the meanest look. I find it funny. Most of the time she is pretty content.
Connor is taking to his baby sister nicely. He gives her kisses now, and he still smells her feet. He will make a great big brother.
I think it goes without saying that Shaina is a great big sister. She is such a good hearted girl. Clumsy from time to time and messy most of the time but all and all she is a great kid.
Drew has been spending time with Gabrielle. He holds her for awhile every night after school. We are all coming together nicely as a family.
J.W. well now. What can I say about him?! He has been so much help, taking care of me, lots of house whatnot and taking care of the kiddies. He is a great daddy!
I love you John!
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