Saturday, July 22, 2006

Ozzfest '06 & more...

Yes that's right, it's Saturday and where am I? Work. I guess I can look forward to having tomorrow off. You see every July we have a shut down. The maintenance dept. and parts dept. (that would be me) have to work these usual two weeks straight through. No days off. The only reason I have tomorrow off the other three people in my dept and I worked it out so we can take a day off this weekend.

This past Wednesday was Ozzfest. "Sissypants" and I were going to go to Camden but as it worked out, we ended up going to Pittsburgh after all. 11 straight years for me at that venue and I love it. Don't worry about my Camden tickets, I found a couple guys at work to buy them for $100. I must admit that this year I was bitten by the responsibility bug and Julie and I left early. However, as it worked out I got to see Ozzy. Initially, this year Ozzy was only playing 10 shows. Since that time he added a bunch of dates where he was headlining the second stage. Luckily for this fan, Pittsburgh was one of these shows. To go from not going there at to going and seeing him was a great turn of events. I have to tell you minus the couple technical glitches he kicked fucking ass. Julie and I got as close as we possibly could. I tell you, she wasn't scared of getting bumped around some. It's the closest I've been to the stage since '97 and that was at Montage Mountain in Scranton a non Ozzfest date. My highlight of his performance? Into the Void. A classic heavy Sabbath song that I have never heard or seen his band do. A 10 out of 10. My most memorable moment? Being able to enjoy the day, with my wife.

The house situation is starting to heat up. Apparently the folks up there have found themselves a willing mortgage company. I am attempting to refinance. I got my approval. I got a good (even though Julie said she wasn't very impressed with the condition) appraisal on the house. Now it's just gotta go through. I hope it does. I also, hope the folks can in fact buy soon. Even with refinance I still won't have to change the purchase price on the house, and I can get out of debt now.

Tonight G and K are having a party. We are going to try to get our asses over there and have a drinky or two. It's outside down by the creek. If it's rainy, we'll have to go to plan B. What's that? I'm not exactly sure...

Connor, is a walking drunk. Or at least that is what he looks like walking. He decided to walk while we were away at Ozzfest. He can just about go from one side of our living room to the other. I am one proud papa and I know his mama feels the same. He's still and will forever be our baby boy.

As for now, lunch time lurks and I have a certain misses to call.


Monday, July 10, 2006

The happenings

Off to the store I go,
to buy us some drain-o.
You see the poop is backed up,
comes out of the bath tub.
Hopefully this fixes it.
If not,
we all smell like shit.

I know you've all been dying for a pet update. Ever since we put the a/c in our bedroom my cat hasn't been a snuggler. I miss his purring when it's sleep time. "Sissypants" and I gave the dog a hair cut and let me just say for the record, she'll look good come Christmas. We have a new addition to the clan. A turtle named Chucky. I'm skeptical on how long he'll be around because he's "D" responsibility. He and that word mix like oil and water. First time I see him roaming free, I'll set him free.

How's John? So-so. Home life has been very well as of late. In fact if I had anything to complain about it would be the little diddy I started this update with. Work? Yes...I'm still "stuck". I can not remember a time I have been more active in seeking a change of scenery. I had an interview today that was promising. On the same note if I had $10 for every interview that went well...

House? We made them an offer that would run until next Aug. They have until the end of the month to decide. If they choose to wait that's there choice and they'll have to live with it.

I think I'll call that a rap!


I love you Julie!
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