Friday, October 26, 2007


Nothing particular to say, so lets just drip like a faucet...

Found myself a job today. Seemed a little too good to be true, but it is true. Only a few hours a day with good pay. The only shitty thing is, it's 7 days a week. Fuck, what's 4 hours? Not much!

On the way home today, Connor barfed all over himself. What a wonderful sound driving down the road. It made me want to turn on top 40 radio.

My "sissypants" is sitting on the floor fiddling with a pair of jeans. Something about her legs are short and the pants are long.

Tomorrow night! Par-tay!! How does it go G? UNNNN! Be on the look out for cross dressing cheerleaders...

I think Gabrielle's ass just exploded. It sure sounded like it.

Here's one you don't hear everyday. My dog has a yeast infection.

Yes, my blazer still looks like a bomb went off inside.

Let see if I can say something with some thought. I found myself thinking tonight. You know, the kind of thought where you find yourself somewhere other than your body. Maybe that's crazy, but I don't think so. I was thinking about a few things. I thought about my children and in doing so found myself with moist eyes. I was pondering how things in life happen. Sometimes it all seems scripted. Other times, it all seems cruel. It's just amazing how much happens from sunrise to sunset. It's enough to drive you mad! It's enough to inspire. It's enough...


I love you Julie.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

A good day for blogging

Had a great night last night. Went to some friends house and played some asshole. We have not been there in over a year easily to do that. "Back in the day" it was asshole central. I must admit that I did not have a single run as president and was asshole on 2 or 3 occasions. It's all good though. We had jell-o shots, beer, and lots of laughs. Mary even paid a visit. Good old Mary. It was good to see my buddy cut loose, as these days he likes to say his heart burn meds do not permit him to drink. "Drink asshole!" I am now looking forward to the Halloween party even more! My motor has been primed...

Had a great day yesterday as well. Had a meeting with this guy about putting some money from under the table on it instead. It went well and it seems that I will cut ties with my Mexican roots by the end of next week. Hurray!

I forgot to mention, I didn't drink much water last night. Boys & girls: Water = teh win.

It's getting to be fall real quick around here. Leaves turning colors, my cleaned out cutters getting filled again already, the need for my furnace to run but we have no oil. Ah yes, it is a beautiful time of year.

All is going well with the clan. My little girl is getting so big and my son, well he's just one crazy cracker! It seems his vocabulary grows each day. Some times I feel bad because I just don't know what he's trying to tell me. When this happens we usually say to him "Show me", incase it is something he can point at. Well, sometimes its nothing, it's just a thought he's trying to share. Those, are difficult...

Well I must clean up a mess the "good" dog made last night. Apparently cat shit covered in cat litter hits the spot...


I love you Julie.
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