Saturday, June 23, 2007


I find myself very consumed right now by thought.

How are you doing? I've been pretty busy at work lately. I usually leave at 3:30, however a couple days this week I didn't leave until 4. Then you throw on top of that all this god damn construction I get to drive through (on the way home I seem to sit in it more than drive) I don't get home until 4:30-5. Fuck, yesterday I got behind these two trucks hauling these long ass concrete bridge beams. Well wouldn't you know that when it came to cross a bridge they had to go over one at a time. Which means we sat and waited until both trucks creeped over the bridge. They had one cop trying to do this. It was kind of funny at times. The cop would be in the middle of the road and some one would try going by him and he'd point his finger out the window and do the "no no" movement. You know what I mean don't you? In a nut shell, yesterday it took me a half hour to drive a distance that should have only taken 10 minutes.

Don't get me started on how yield signs must be invisible to just about everyone. I'm talking to you Mr. Fuckface on the motorcycle!

I confess this entry started as an email. It is now what it has become...

Home life has been quiet which is good. I admit that I have not been very motivated this week. Oh, I got home from work on Thrusday and thought I tore something in my knee. It burned and hurt a great deal. So much in fact, I bitched about it. I don't bitch about it, unless it really really hurts. Anyway I wake up the next day and it's still sore but no where near as bad. Then this morning my knee feels almost 100%. In fact I just knelt down to look under the blazer to see if I could locate a exhaust leak. No luck there. Anyway today I think I'd like to finish something my "sissypants" started. We got a dresser for our little girl and she started to sand it down. I'm feeling, handy.

Speaking of our little girl, she grows large! She chubby, but so cute. I find her little attitude humorous at times, but other times she's in this zone where she just kicks my teeth in. Nothing I do seems to work. Then Julie walks in, does her magic, and she's quiet in like 10 minutes. It must be a mommy thing...

My boy, he grows large too. Not chubby, just big. Sometimes when we wrestle around he just keeps on coming back for more. I wonder, how much crazier can this boy be? I can not wait to see for myself. He's getting a vocabulary now. Sometimes if you catch him when he doesn't think about saying words too much, he can repeat what you say and well. But then when you edge him on to say it some more, it's just not quite the same. I do not find my sons attitude humorous at all. In fact, I find it quite ridiculous at times. What can you do? If the boy can't talk, how can he keep emotions in check?

House news? Nothing certain yet. Talks say August first. All papers though, remain blank...


I love you Julie!

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Words silent no more

I have found some time for just you and I. Aren't you glad?

I guess I'll start off with our camping adventure. Even though it was a week or so ago, it is still fresh in my mind. As I think about the whole thing some more, it's been a long while since I have felt like I did while we camped. It was a very welcomed thing. Anyway we camped out over memorial day weekend. My clan (Me, "sissypants", S, D, Connor, Gabrielle) and my friend Jamie's clan (him, Rachel, Ezra, Paige, Abby, and the dog Bugsie). Rachel's brother Jake showed up with Harry. More on Harry later...

We got to camp Friday night and got set up. The weather was not the nicest and I admit, made me think the whole weekend would be rained out. The next morning was overcast, leading to more doubt. As it was, the weather turned for the better just about the time Jamie showed up. A little later in the day Jake and Harry showed up. The gangs all here!

We played a little baseball (me being the only one to hit a homer run, oh I mean 3 home runs :-) ), went for a walk, roasted marshmallow, played volley ball, gathered firewood from the woods, fished (I did not fish), talked, had a couple beers and found some time to burn one or two...

No fussy kids. No fights. No natural disasters. It was just about as perfect as it could be. There was even an unannounced lawn tractor race going on. Best I could tell there were 3 classes. Your basic grass cutter without a deck, slightly moded tractors, and then extreme moded. There was this one tractor that had some sort turbo charger on it with a big ass intake on the hood. When the guy started it, it sounded like a fucking crotch rocket. Lets just say, this tractor took names at the starting line.

Are you ready to talk about Harry?

That's Harry everyone. I don't know his last name. I don't know where he lives. I have seen this man a couple times in my life. Every time I have seen this man he has been either too drunk to stand, or he is in fact down on the ground. You see Harry can sit for a very long time. How long? He stayed in the car, sitting, the whole first day he was there. He refused food. He would however take a beer. Or, perhaps he'd have a cup full of black velvet and pepsi. That is a favorite of Jake's. You see, Harry is a friend of Jake and Rachel's family from way back. Jake's dad was originally Harry's friend, but as Jake put it "My old man gave up on him and I took over".

After the first night I was the fourth one up. Harry was first, Jamie was second (went fishing), Paige, then me. As Jake and I neared Harry, he said "I see the fairy's aren't awake yet." This made us laugh. In fact we'd say it the rest of camping and it made us laugh every time. So then I wondered just exactly what did Harry see. We all shared our opinions on it. Most of the opinions were followed with a chuckle. Harry did go on to say the boys were out and about late one night. Harry, PI for hire.

The second day/night saw Harry move from the car to the picnic table. And that's where he stayed. All day long. All night until it was time for him to crawl back in the car out of the rain.

I had asked a couple general questions about Harry to those who knew him better than I. I was always told in a nut shell not to go down that road. That is where I left it lay.

I just got off the phone with Jamie. He's got the fever, the Ozzfest fever. The tickets are still free boys and girls. I get early dibs because I pre ordered Ozzy's new album. I recommend it to anyone who is a fan of Ozzy or has been in the past. The man really can do no wrong in my book.

Oh shit! I got a new tattoo. 4 days have passed since I got it, that explains any flaking you may see.

The new job still continues to go well. Just had my 30 day review. All was good.

I would like to find some time like this to sit down and try to write a poem or two. I really like the the title of this blog post. I may try to do something with it. I think I have written that at least once before in this blog.


I love you Julie!
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