Tuesday, August 30, 2005

No alarms

Since the last false alarm things have been calm. Other than some back pain "sissypants" has been doing great. I fear for the midwife if we make it to the doctors appointment this Thursday. Sissypants will have a few words for her I'm sure. I wouldn't be surprised if she refused to let them check her out this time. I'm pretty sure she's had enough of all that. They don't appear to be very gentle with her. Sometimes being a guy isn't all that bad. Her belly is very full and hard. The big footed baby boy is taking up every inch he can. He should be in the 7.5-8 pound range now. I can not wait to see him.

My friend "G" is now a Uncle. His sister gave birth to a boy. I don't know any of the measurements yet. I hope the little guy is doing well and I wish the same for the parents. I feel like getting a little gift, but what do you buy for a baby that lives in middle east?

As for G, I hope he made it to Mexico safely.

Got a call from the guys about the house. I'm quietly keeping my hopes high on this. There has been the dad and three boys involved. I talked to the dad earlier in the morning. He said two of the boys were not interested. However, the dad and the remaining son were interested and moving forward. He said he was talking to the bank today. The son called me around 4pm just to let me know they had spoken to the bank. So if all goes well I should know something soon. As for the zoning lady, still haven't heard a peep. I think I'd like to give her a nice chunk of my mind and it may very well happen.

How am I? Not too bad.

Didn't see my sissypants tonight. She wasn't feeling too well and was tired so ya know. I did see her this morning and got to see her kids off to school. It was the first day. That went alright, nothing major happened. We had breakfast at Denny's. I tell you that place didn't have it's act together today. I know Mondays are rough, but christ all mighty they were messing everyone's shit up.

Well I should get back to "the office".



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