Monday, August 22, 2005

Catching up

Sunday wasn't the best of days for me. I find at times, my head really gets to me. It's like there's a little voice in there that gets off on bringing me down. It seems as if I've been like that forever. It gets quite old trying to deal with it, but I keep on trying. However it's now Monday and things seem to be going smoothly.

Life has been going well. Everything still is going smoothly with "sissypants" and the gang. We have been doing lots of things lately, even if it's just hanging out and having dinner. We usually go running around on Friday and/or Saturday. We went to Charlie Browns for lunch on Friday and let me say I was not impressed. For the money, just go to Bonanza and enjoy a much better salad bar. The only thing C.B. has going is the booze. If your looking to tie an expensive one on, then that's where you want to be. Saturday night I spent the night, which was cool. We watch a movie and had a snack attack. There's nothing better than not sleeping alone.

My poor sissypants is so uncomfortable these days, all she did was toss and turn. She eventually gave up and just read a book. I tell you, she's holding up quite well for how little sleep she's been getting. She's my little trooper. She's at 38 weeks. Which means, the big footed baby boy will be greeting us very soon. He's about 7.5 pounds now, give or take. I got a phone call tonight saying that it may be time to go out. However, I did not get the call back. Not yet anyway. I'm surprising calm at the moment. It's probably just the calm before the storm as some say. I'm sure if the phone rings again my tune will change.

You know what sucks? Having a DNA test kit in your hospital bag. I just want it out of there. I have to give it to the staff when we are in the delivery room. I just wish they could take it now so we don't have to deal with it once we are there. It will be the first thing I do when I'm in there. Take what you have to. I know it needs done. I find myself relying a lot on all the knowledge I have come to learn to calm some craziness that arises from time to time in this head of mine. I hate worrying about something that should be nothing more than special and do my best not to. That being said, how could someone not worry? Everyday I ask for this great gift and am very thankful for where I am. When I find myself in that delivery room and hear Connor's first cry it will be something very powerful for many reasons. This means so much to me...

Now onto my lovely house situation. I do have buyers in the works. Which is great news. However they fibbed to me some. Instead of what they told me, they are really interested in two things. One, renting the house. Two, starting an auto detailing shop in the garage. This means more dealings with the zoning and township. I don't think there should be any problems this go round because they won't be living there. That was the snag from the last would be buyer. He wanted to live in the house and run a garage with employees. By the end of this week, I should know what is happening.

"G" is going to Mexico soon. There are times I feel like I could really use a vacation like that. I hope he enjoys himself as he deserves a break. He's one hard working mofo.

My good friends son had some work done. Got tubes in his ears and some kind of nods removed. Poor little guy. I'm going to have to get down there and say hello.

I have to get to painting this crib and changing table. Maybe I'll get some work done to it this week. I also found some easy "mods" for the blazer on ebay. They are much cheaper than the ones for my truck.

Final thoughts. I'm pretty pleased with how my relationship is going with "J", "D", and "S". Not so content that I will get lazy. That will never happen. I'm more than ready to never use the term DNA again. I'm hopeful about the house.



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