Monday, July 25, 2005

Ozzfest '05 & more

I find I'm sitting alone in my dimly lite room, so I know it can only mean one thing. Time for a blog update.

Before I get on with the festival, I'll just do the general run down of the happenings. Things have still been going well with "sissypants". In fact, there's not much more that could make things better. Mind you I did not much more. The kids are still taking a liking to me. I had dinner down there tonight. Steak, potatoes, and green beans. After supper we hung out. Shot the shit and what not. Real food...droll. Sissypant, S, and myself went to Bonanza on Friday. We had a good time. We finished that trip off with a wal-mart and some hang out time. No new news on her uncle. I say that's all very crazy. She hasn't spoke much about him lately. I feel bad when I ask sometimes because it seems like it is something she'd like to avoid at times. The big footed baby boy is growing. I'd say her belly has grown noticeably over the last week. He's so awesome! She said he's been doing a number on her pelvic bone. She said it's a thing that makes her feel ill. All I can tell her it to be "patient". It's all worth it, which she agrees with very much. What does tomorrow hold? I do not know. I know this weekend (if all goes well) we will be getting together for dinner. Me and my folks and "J" and her kids. I'm thinking of suggesting her parents going too. It depends on my check.

My mom finally got the call about the baby shower. I know that probably settled a few voices in her head. My Aunt is going to go with her. I hope everyone gets along wonderfully. That would be great. A nice big family that doesn't mind one another, is it possible?

So Ozzfest'05. Pretty uneventful. I ended up going solo, which is an entire matter all to itself. However, things went fine. I met this dude down there. His name was Scott. He came and flopped down on the hillside beside me and said. "Hey man, you wanna smoke this joint?". Of course I did. So we proceeded to puff and pass. He said he saw me puffing on my pipe earlier and said what the hell. He had 4 buddies with him. Well one led to two and two to four and before you knew it I didn't know what was happening. He had them in a cigarette pack and apparently we smoked 14 joints. After they were gone I told him that I didn't plan on all this! He said, "That's just the first half". He gets out another cigarette pack with another 14 joints. At this point and time I told him I was done and got up and walked away. I have to say that was the event of the day for me. Got high most of the day for free.

As for the show itself, it wasn't bad. Pretty tame compared to other years. Sabbath put on a great show. They broke out a couple not so common songs like After forever and Dirty Women. Tony Iommi had one sweet ass solo. My highlight of the show was the song Black Sabbath. Something about that song live gives me goose pumps every time I hear it. I'd give Sabbath a 8 out of 10. I do that because I think they should have squeezed in another 2 songs. I have my Ozzy/Sabbath fix for the year and I await next years Ozzfest.

I bought a sweet ass bandana and a t-shirt. I got sissypants a new anklet which she seemed to like. T-shirt are outrageous at shows. I remember $15 t-shirts...

Well my day is almost over. I'm off to bed.



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