Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Back on track

Oh not much going on today. I got to see "sissypants" before work. That always puts me in good spirits. I'm hoping to see her after work too. I just can't get enough! She had told me the first words out of her sons mouth today were "What time is it? JW is off of work now right?" I know I'm very surprised at how things are going with everything. I'm not complaining. I just thought things would be a little bit more difficult, but that hasn't been the case. I'm thankful. I was given advice about meeting her kids from a on-line friend. I was told to expect to not be liked. Now I am more than willing to listen to advice but sometimes I don't give it much of my time. This was the case with that advice. That's the last thing I needed to be thinking or expecting. What I was expecting to do was be myself and go from there. So far, that's been working out wonderfully. I know she is really happy that things are going good. I think it's time for everyone to have a life with someone who isn't an asshole. Myself included. I read sissypants a poem tonight I wrote about something her husband had said. Basically he said if I didn't treat them right to call him. That made me upset. For one, he wasn't the best person to her kids and for him to question me pissed me off. Secondly, he just needs to keep his mouth shut. So anyway, after reading it I got a great big hug and told that she wasn't worried about me. You know I don't think she has ever been. It's all been me. I'd like to say I'm surprising myself with how things are going, if that makes any sense.

I was so tired this morning I didn't call the paper. I"m pretty tired right now too. I'm going to do that this morning. I typed myself out a quick little ad. Hopefully I can get a real bite on this thing. I've had a few nibbles. The last thing I want is to still have this house over my head when the big footed baby boy comes. I want to be well on my way to getting into a new place with my loved ones. Time will tell. It's just a shame the township were such pricks to the guy that did want to buy. I made sure to leave that out of my ad!

My mom made some awesome pants for the big footed baby boy. I gave them to sissypants today and she dug them too. I wear these crazy shirts sometimes. Basically they are like bowling shirts but with skulls and stuff on them. Well, she had gotten me one at a yardsale and it was only a large. I haven't worn a large shirt probably since elementary school. So she went to the store and bought patterns and *poof* out of a too small shirt comes some awesome looking baby pants.

The dog and the cat were up to old tricks today. They interact very well. You have a 10lb cat going up against at 50lb dog. In the world of animals, there's not much cuter than that.

As for now, back to work.



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