Eventful weekend
Well I guess I should start with Friday. Apparently "sissypants" husband was going through her vehicle. Don't ask me why because I don't know. He happened to find some poems I wrote her. So sissypants gets home and finds them laying on the table and calls him. Apparently he laid the guilt on thick. She was upset. At this time I find out while she stopped by to visit me at work Thursday night someone there saw her that knows her husband and told him that she was there seeing you know who. That started all the craziness for her. So then she got all that blah blah blah on Friday. I don't feel bad about any of this. He should be on his way out of the picture anyway.
Saturday was a good day. I helped my friend do some painting. I tell you what he got this krylon paint that sucks so bad it's hard to believe. He was very upset with it. I would be too. Anyway I helped him for a few hours. We got visited by some Jehovah witnesses. Actually just one and his wife. My friend was nice, but I think he was overly nice. The guy wouldn't take the hint that he wasn't interested. It was to the point to where my friend was actually asking him for reading material just so he'd leave. I would have been a bit more short with the man. Anyway sissypants calls me and says she'd like to see me so I cut the day a little short on work to come home and get cleaned up. She calls me again and suggest stopping by and saying hello to my folks. So...without much notice the meet and greet ball starts rolling. I meet her a car lot in town and she follows me to their house. I was pretty nervous for a while. However, I quickly learned that my nerves didn't need to be so stressed. It went very well. She brought along all the ultra sound pictures so the folks could see. My mom looked. My dad didn't. He's not what one would call the emotional type. Sissypants had a boat load of baby cloths to take with her. We looked at them all together. She "made" me display them all. Which was fine. After a quick walk around outside so my mom could show off her gardens we packed up and left. We went down by the creek at my friends house for a little while. Before making it down there I decided it would be a good time to introduce them. I thought it went well. Wasn't terribly long, just a hello. I'm anxious to here what "G" thinks. So we are down by the creek snuggling and across the creek you can see G's parents parting it up. I don't know if it's crazier or cool that they still go strong into their 50's. I think it's both...So after all that we went back to my folks house and parted ways. Parting always sucks.
Sunday was...a day that I will always remember. It was father's day. It started with a early phone call from sissypants. She wished me a happy fathers day to be. That was a great way to start my day. After doing some putting around I head to my folks. My dad goes fishing at insane hours with my grandfather on father's day. I got down to their house around noon and popped my laundry in. I asked him if he would like to go out to lunch and as I expected he said no. I get a phone call after being down there for a little while. It's sissypants and she'd like to see me. So I say sure. I head on down her way and we meet at the one early day park. After some greeting hugs and kisses she grabs a blanket and we get to stepping. We head to the spot we usually sit and before she puts the blanket down on the ground she pulls out this scrap book from behind it. On the inside it reads "To John. With all my heart, Love "sissypants" (insert real name here). I turn the page and it's a ultra sound picture. Underneath the picture is a poem I wrote to her and the big footed baby boy. There are three pictures and poems in the scrap book. Just writing about it moves me. I couldn't think of a more special thing to ever receive. She said she thought I would think it was corny. I told her I loved it. We snuggled at the park for a good while. I read her some new poems. Of course, we shot the shit about this and that. I believe the front runner on a name now is Connor. Nothing against Jayce, but I just don't know about that.
So on a scale of 1-10 I'd say my weekend was a 9.5. The one thing that could have made it better was if I could have been with sissypants and the "bfbb" all the time.
Tonight at work I talked to sissypants for...well lets just say for a long time. We talked damn near about everything. It was great. It's good that things are going so well.
As for now I'm going to bed. I'll up date this thing...
Saturday was a good day. I helped my friend do some painting. I tell you what he got this krylon paint that sucks so bad it's hard to believe. He was very upset with it. I would be too. Anyway I helped him for a few hours. We got visited by some Jehovah witnesses. Actually just one and his wife. My friend was nice, but I think he was overly nice. The guy wouldn't take the hint that he wasn't interested. It was to the point to where my friend was actually asking him for reading material just so he'd leave. I would have been a bit more short with the man. Anyway sissypants calls me and says she'd like to see me so I cut the day a little short on work to come home and get cleaned up. She calls me again and suggest stopping by and saying hello to my folks. So...without much notice the meet and greet ball starts rolling. I meet her a car lot in town and she follows me to their house. I was pretty nervous for a while. However, I quickly learned that my nerves didn't need to be so stressed. It went very well. She brought along all the ultra sound pictures so the folks could see. My mom looked. My dad didn't. He's not what one would call the emotional type. Sissypants had a boat load of baby cloths to take with her. We looked at them all together. She "made" me display them all. Which was fine. After a quick walk around outside so my mom could show off her gardens we packed up and left. We went down by the creek at my friends house for a little while. Before making it down there I decided it would be a good time to introduce them. I thought it went well. Wasn't terribly long, just a hello. I'm anxious to here what "G" thinks. So we are down by the creek snuggling and across the creek you can see G's parents parting it up. I don't know if it's crazier or cool that they still go strong into their 50's. I think it's both...So after all that we went back to my folks house and parted ways. Parting always sucks.
Sunday was...a day that I will always remember. It was father's day. It started with a early phone call from sissypants. She wished me a happy fathers day to be. That was a great way to start my day. After doing some putting around I head to my folks. My dad goes fishing at insane hours with my grandfather on father's day. I got down to their house around noon and popped my laundry in. I asked him if he would like to go out to lunch and as I expected he said no. I get a phone call after being down there for a little while. It's sissypants and she'd like to see me. So I say sure. I head on down her way and we meet at the one early day park. After some greeting hugs and kisses she grabs a blanket and we get to stepping. We head to the spot we usually sit and before she puts the blanket down on the ground she pulls out this scrap book from behind it. On the inside it reads "To John. With all my heart, Love "sissypants" (insert real name here). I turn the page and it's a ultra sound picture. Underneath the picture is a poem I wrote to her and the big footed baby boy. There are three pictures and poems in the scrap book. Just writing about it moves me. I couldn't think of a more special thing to ever receive. She said she thought I would think it was corny. I told her I loved it. We snuggled at the park for a good while. I read her some new poems. Of course, we shot the shit about this and that. I believe the front runner on a name now is Connor. Nothing against Jayce, but I just don't know about that.
So on a scale of 1-10 I'd say my weekend was a 9.5. The one thing that could have made it better was if I could have been with sissypants and the "bfbb" all the time.
Tonight at work I talked to sissypants for...well lets just say for a long time. We talked damn near about everything. It was great. It's good that things are going so well.
As for now I'm going to bed. I'll up date this thing...
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