Monday, June 13, 2005

Another weekend

Well this weekend wasn't as good as last weekend.

Friday was operation day for "sissypants" uncle. She went to the hospital with her mom and a few other relatives. All seemed to go fine. I got a call early in the afternoon saying things went smoothly and that she was on her way home. I went down to my friends house. We shot the shit for awhile and had a few beers. Well my phone rang around 11:30pm and it was sissypants. Apparently things turned for the worse. There was a blood clot that formed on his brain and they had to drill a couple holes to relieve some pressure. They couldn't do anything about the blood clot until they got his blood pressure to stabilize. So she stayed down there over night.

Saturday was yardsale day. No meet and greet, which is totally understandable. My mom and I went. Before we left sissypants called me and she was pretty upset. She said that nothing had changed with her uncle and the one surgeon said they shouldn't plan on him going home. She cried on the phone, which broke my heart. I just wanted to hold her. I told her everything I could think of to let her know that I loved her and was there for her. So after the phone call out the door we went. I'd say we did well. We got a bunch of baby stuff. Shopping for the big footed baby boy made dealing with the heat easier, for me anyway. I ran into an old friend from my "box stacking days". It was good to see him. Well, we were yardsaling for about 4 hours and then my mom bought lunch on the way home. We had lunch at her house and then I helped my dad mow grass. After that we took a inventory of the stuff. My mom laughed about a couple of the things. Like a pair of socks that are just going to be too small and this one outfit. Crazy she can be, but I love her for it. Once I got home I just chilled out. Sissypants called me again around 11pm but I must have passed out. I called her back at 11:30pm and we talked for a bit, but she was very tired so it was short.

Sunday has been a tough day for me. I talked to sissypants in the morning. She had told me she had another swelling episode with her feet on Saturday. Since they are still at the hospital they checked her out. They said everything was ok with her and the baby but that she needed to stay off her feet more and elevate them when she's not on them. She also said that the boy didn't much like be poked at. She said he got angry. I think stories like that are awesome! She said still nothing had changed with her uncle. His blood pressure won't stabilize. That's the last I heard from her. So I've been worrying for the most part of the day. My worries range from her uncle to her and the baby. I'll call her in the morning if I don't hear from her sometime through the night. I was going to call her before work, but I didn't want to interrupt anything if something had turned for the worse for her uncle. However, if I don't hear from her tonight, I have to call to make sure she is ok. I mowed my grass today and it was also laundry day. My mom had washed up all the baby stuff from Saturday. She also broke out my baby quilt my gram had made for me.

How am I? Besides worried not to bad. I bit lonely. Sissypants has been away all weekend. I wish I could be with her through this difficult time. Safe to say, I'll be writing something tonight.

The guy called about the house, said the title search went fine. GOOD! Now, lets get this done I say.

Back to work.



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