Thursday, June 09, 2005


I got a few treats yesterday. Firstly, I got to see another set of ultrasound pictures. This time it was a side view. You could see his little mouth & his little nose real well. "Sissypants" thinks he has my upper lip. I don't see how you could tell, but I'm not going to argue. I looked at them for quite a while. I could really see lots in those pictures. Of course in order to see these pictures I saw sissypants. Which is something that always makes my day good. We hung out at her moms for awhile. She was showing me all the good stuff she's been getting for the big footed baby boy. I put the a/c in for her which was a pain in the ass. I had to get on the porch roof. That thing was a heavy bastard. Could only get it in so far from inside the house before it wanted to fall out. Got in in though and I managed to stay on the roof. Sissypants worked the window. We snuggled a bunch and talked. I just am so at peace with her. I really dig it. She got a pool from her aunt. It's just a little guy, but will work for her kids. It gives them something to do this summer and gives sissypants a place to chill when she's hot.

So all that stuff was great. Then I get a call around 7pm. It's sissypants and she's at the ER again. Whenever she says that I worry. She was out there with her mom and her cousin. Apparently their baby was having some trouble breathing and had some bleeding issues. I know sissypants is very concerned about the baby. She doesn't think they are taking very good care of him and I have to agree from everything I have been told. She was all worked up about that. I told her to settle down and to not get into any fights! Then I get a call at work around 2am. It's her again saying another cousin of hers house burnt down. He got out fairly ok, but lost the house and one of his dogs. She said it was all he had. They were going up there to see what they could do to help.

They have a very tight family and I hope there will be room for me to squeeze in. I don't expect to see sissypants this morning. I imagine she had a long ass night without sleep. If she's up for seeing me I'll be there but if not I'll understand. I have been seeing her daily lately and it's wonderful. Things are still working out well and going smoothly.

I did some thinking. Thinking I should have done a little while ago. I calculated how far along she'd be when my Ozzfest show is. That will put her at 36 weeks. Depending on how she is doing, depends on whether I go or not. I have not missed a Ozzfest since it started in 1996, but this is more than enough to make me skip it.



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