Thursday, July 14, 2005

Doctor office time

Today is ultrasound day. April was the last time I was at an ultra sound. That was right before things went crazy. Actually, that was the day things started to go crazy now that I think about it. This one will be a new experience because of that very fact. The day the craziness happened, it put me in a foul mood. Looking back, I should have chilled out. One of many things I would change if I could. I'm not saying I didn't have reasons to be upset, but I should have put that aside for the ultrasound. Lesson learned. Anyway, I am very excited while also being very thankful for where I now am. Though my head still plays a game on me now and again, I never loose sight of what is ahead. How could I? I can't wait to see the big footed baby boy on the monitor and to hear his heart beat. I'm guessing he's 5 pounds by now. I'll let you know how close I am! I know he's getting big, you can tell by looking at "sissypants". She says she can tell because of the ground he can cover when he's beating her ass. I can tell he'll appreciate a punching bag when that day comes. I also can't wait to see my sissypants. She's been anxious the last couple of days leading up to today. She's such a sweetheart. Ever since she's had this dream where she saw the boy, she's been very anxious for his arrival. She quoted me in a note regarding this. "Patience." In a few short hours I will be with my two greatest loves. Rewards for all my patience.

I have no idea what is going on with sissypants uncle. One day they say he's doing great and the next day he's having seizures if not worse. Apparently he's quarantined now. I guess he has a staff infection. Sisspants has been saying they haven't been taking good care of him. From all that I've heard I'd have to agree. They are always contradicting themselves. The nurses tell them (the fam) that he will never recover more than he has and the doctor keeps telling them that he will. I don't know who to believe. I think the whole thing is sad. There should be no confusion when it comes to this. The doctor was suppose to call them today and give them an update, but he never called. I suggested that they talk to the head of the hospital. Let he or she know what is going on and how unprofessional it is. There is no reason for any confusion on his condition. This has been going on for about 2 months now and I don't think they have been told anything concrete yet. They are always doing cat scans but never show any of the info to the family. I would demand to see that shit. Show me a picture from after the surgery and then show me a picture from today. Compare the two and show me where healing is or isn't taking place. I however, have no say in this matter. I just pass on my two cents.

So what do you when you have two moms that want to iron out the details about a baby shower, but are both being shy about calling one another? I told my mom to just call her mom. I don't see what the big deal is. Sure the situation isn't exactly normal, but it's certainly a lot better than it was a month ago. Hopefully someone gets some balls and picks up the phone or the kid will be here before the baby shower! One thing sissypants and I both want are family's that can get along. Hell even do things together. I'd like to give it my best shot at achieving this.

I have a poem to finish up!



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