Saturday, August 27, 2005

Another false alarm

Spent about 3 hours out at the hospital last night. Missed out on some OT, but I'm not complaining. They have this neat little monitor that keeps track of the baby's heart rate and the strength of contractions. The big footed baby boy is doing so well. After a little while there the mid wife told us to go walk around for about an hour to see if we could stir things up. The contractions were a bit stronger this time than the last time we were out, but in the end we were sent home. I think "sissypants" has some wishful thinking about the baby being born sooner than later. I think she fears having a bigger baby than she has had. That fact is already here, it's just a matter of how big. Her due date is still 7 days away. I imagine it's quite rough on her, but she can't try to force the issue. Soon enough my love, he will come.

House situation: Zoning lady still doesn't know shit. Haven't heard from the folks about the house. I think if they don't hear anything they don't feel the urge to let me know. My plan? I'm calling a lawyer a friend of mine referred to me a while back in dealing with this township. To me a week is absurd in waiting to find out something that should be clearly outlined somewhere. My mom offered to pay for the consultation and to consider it a birthday gift. I really appreciate that because I can't afford one at the moment. I need to sell this place. I think if nothing materialize this week I'm placing an ad in the paper again this weekend.

Moms are great people.

Got the "final" divorce papers. All I need to do is sign and mail. I'll hang onto them for a week or so. Just enough to drive my not so helpful ex a little nutty. Assholeish? Maybe, but what can you do?

I will probably be heading down to sissypants shortly. She's been visiting her Aunt today. Other than her not getting much sleep these days, and all the cervix checking she's holding up good. I wish I could help her sleep but that is not something I can do.



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