Tuesday, May 17, 2005


Today has been a calm day. "Sissypants" called me again this morning. I think she realizes talking with me isn't the worse thing for her. In fact I think it's helpful. We talked for about a hour and laughed for most of it. She thanked me for taking her away from reality for awhile. I told her "I didn't take you away from it, we just went down a alley." So far things are still smoothing out nicely on that front. She told me her husband was talking some shit. You know, stuff to just get to her inside. Asshole... She said something about seeing me this week. The last time I was told that, it never happened so I'm just going to wait and see. I'd love to see her. Things are much more mellow in my head since she's come around and has opened up. Still no new news about any kind of testing today. I think I'm going down to my friends house and talking about that some. Yes, it's still heavily on my mind and will be until I get to the bottom of it.

I shaved my goatee today. First time since senior pictures. I had those done in 1995...

Haven't heard from the buyer since Friday. I'm calling him after 7. I want this done! These past couple days have racked up the minutes on my cell phone. It's gonna be one hell of a bill this month. That's ok though, I'll pay it.



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