Friday, May 13, 2005

Early morning thoughts

Did you ever test yourself so much that failure would be an acceptable outcome? I haven't...

I got a phone call around 8pm regarding the house. It appears the buyer is ready to buy, and now. He said he's willing to take the risk on the property. You see the hold up in this whole selling process has been zoning. He wants to open a garage, and the property is currently zoned to do so, but there are steps that have to be taken. Steps that would take 30-60 days. He told me he'll just take the chance and move now. He said he'd call me tomorrow. We need to agree on a sales agreement, which shouldn't be a problem. This is all in good timing because a house I was interested in was thought to be sold, but as of yesterday is back on the market. Timing is crazy at times. It would be great to get this deal done.

Friday the 13th doesn't scare me.

I laid down to take a nap around 8. I woke up on my own around 10:20. My alarm didn't go off, which was odd. Then by the time I got dressed my alarm was dead it was like it was unplugged. I guess I have to buy a new one today. I usually don't need my alarm to get up. I have a good internal alarm clock. I'm sure that's called something. I always set the clock though, just incase. I hate the feeling of waking up and having to rush around.

My direct deposit started this week. Odd getting a check with no value. It will be a time saver though. No more weekly runs to the bank and that is a good thing.

How am I? So-so. I wrote a poem a couple of hours ago. I can't seem to get "sissypants" out of my head for very long. I worry. I know worrying does nothing, but that doesn't mean I can't stop it. I wish I knew what was being said to her about this whole genetree thing. I don't see what could be possibly said other than "I'm a lieing fuck who's only interested in what's best for me, and I don't care who I hurt in the process of getting it." Sure I can't claim I'm not interested in something. However, I can say that I'm not focused on this so much for me. I would hate to see her live her life like she was before we met. I would also hate to see her accept the husband as the father when it's so clear now that he lied about everything. What can I do? I can't force anyone to do anything. I bet the husband likes to force things. Like lies and pain. Maybe my phone will ring today or maybe it won't. Either way she will be in my heart and thoughts.

I'd like to get drunk this weekend. Maybe I will. I'd probably sleep better that way.



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