Friday, December 08, 2006

Been a long time

Well, not that long. About a week I think. Might I suggest to you the song "Been a long time" by Black Label Society. Here's a clip of the song.

I am not trying to jinx myself, however my much documented "selling house" is as close as it's ever been to being sold. How close? Well, we signed a sales contract, and the buyer has placed a deposit (being held by a realtor). This isn't fool proof though, a couple of things still need to happen.

1. The ex needs to sign! Pure & simple. I sent her an email outlining everything. Gave her the contact info for the realtor involved. She sent a neutral reply. I couldn't make heads or tails of it. She has to talk to her lawyer. I can understand that I guess. I'm not sure what's going on there yet. I'll have a response tomorrow, so it was said. I just hope there's no bullshit coming. It's so close now. I can see the finish the line. Lets finish it...

2. The buyer has his house in line to sell. If for some reason it falls through, it pretty much shoots down our deal. The realtor handling this is also the one selling his house, and he said it looks good there. I did get an email from him today saying that closing by the 27th may not happen. I'd love to close that soon, as would the buyer but what can you do?

3. The McElhattan folks need to go bye-bye. I have already got my lawyer on this. All offical and what not. My wife spoke to the McElhattan folks today and they said they were going to try to be out by the 27th.

That is pretty much all that needs to happen. Every thing else I'm not worried about. It should all fall into place on it's own. I'm meeting with my lawyer Monday morning to update him on some things and he can fill me in on his happenings.

i can't just keep it at that! It seems that our little girl is putting to rest my sexy mama's concerns about her activity level. She has been quite active lately and it's only the beginning for Julie's beatings. I'm very excited about our little flip flopping girl. I've notice my excitement level increasing. I am giving Julie some of the credit for this. Her mood has changed. I can hear and see it in her. It's wonderful. Just sitting her thinking of both of my ladies brings me so much.

Don't get me started on Star Trek Legacy...


I love you Julie.


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