The unspoken power of the written word
I’ve sat down at the keyboard. Let us see what happens.
When Ozzmosis came out way back in 1995 I did not like track #3. Not one bit, I’d even skip the fucking thing. As I sat outside at lunch time today over the years I’ve come to love it. I’m not the same person I was back in 1995, but yet in so many ways I am…
If only my spoken words brought me comfort & peace, like my written.
My “sissypants” & I had a wonderful time camping this weekend w/ G & K. We went canoeing as well. Julie had never been and I was only once as a child. I’m sure I had no part in navigation at that time. I must say I rather enjoyed my canoe time. Much more than the time spent walking the fucking thing up the creek. We really only had one close call with tippage. Other than that it was pretty much smooth sailing the entire time on the water. At camp things started badly for us with Julie and I (mostly just Julie, I wouldn’t have notice anything until we unpacked) noticing we looked short handed. We had forgotten all of our sleeping stuff, cloths, and personal care products! OH GOD! Stuck in the woods with no personal care products. I digress. (Just a note here, I don’t think it is possible for anyone to forget anything with the tote system Mr. & Mrs. GaS had) After we finally settled on a camp site (Why yes, the one without the garbage pile is much nicer) and set up the tent we took a stroll to the outhouse. Once we get up there this janitor pulls up in a van. I ask him if he’s going to Jersey Shore, and he says yes. So I hope in with this strange janitor and he takes me back to the Blazer without asking for money or assplay.
Once I get the Blazer I head back to camp. The parking was not so close to camp as I had a long walk with some not so light bags I’d expect no less. About half way through my trip my fellow campers meet me and carrying the gear the rest of the way. There are two happenings about this tale that make me scratch my head. The first and most obvious, what are the chance of running into anyone with motorized transport near a primitive camp ground? Second, how fortunate for me that G,K, and SP take a chance by walking a certain way and it was the right way at the right time.
One more thing before I forget. Brenda, was delicious. Fucking, delicious. Ask anyone, they’ll tell you.
After getting all settled and squared away, things went very good at camp. Lots of munchies, great burgers and dogs over an open fire. The beer, lets not forget the beer. Every drop of it was gone, including the evil vodka flask. I’m happy to report that this guy right here, was president for much of the evening. The same can not be said for some other asshole though…
There have been some major goings on here at work that have gotten me to the point of contentment. It is a good thing too, because I know it was only a matter of time before I would have been out of here with the way things were going. I’ve never worked anywhere, where they’ve seemed to care about me. Not my number, but me. It is a wonderful change of pace.
This post has made me feel good. The power, is amazing.
I love you Julie.
I see no typos...
Totes for teh motherfuckin win!
You forgot running into a patch of mushrooms while getting the Blazer ;)
You forgot about when the janitor stabbed you in the leg with a needle, you blacked out, and woke up bleeding from your ass along the road...
We went for a walk to meet you. Timed it just about perfect too, must be some wife/husband connection thing, she just up and said it was time to go meet you.
Brenda was delicious, fucking, and delicious in turns, I agree. Oh that knife was so amazingly sharp...
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