Wedding day

Well looky there. It happened. After everything. Almost everything is right now. Only one more loose end to take care of and with a little luck, that will happen shortly. May 20th was the day. A crazy day weather wise. It'd rain, it'd be nice, it'd rain, it'd be nice. We ended up having the "ceremony" under the pavilion because at that time it was raining. Then we all went out to where we had planed and took some pics, such as this one. From left to right: Rachel, Drew, Connor, Julie, Shaina, me, and Jamie.
The day was crazy. Just so much to to do. So many things were forgotten at the house and we made to trips back. My dad and uncle Rich went back to get some sodas and Jamie and I went back to grab the check book. Had to pay the pastor ya know. $50...
After the wedding we went to a hotel. After we checked in we got out of our duds and dressed down some. Placed a couple calls and before you knew it we were at the hotel bar. This was only Me, Julie, Rachel, Jamie, Kelley, and G. I'll tell you what, it's one of the best times I've ever had. Everything went great. Lots of laughs, which is just awesome. G got some videos and pics on his nifty camera. I'm looking forward to see that stuff.
In a whole the day was wonderful, beautiful, and awesome all in one. I'm the proud husband I always knew I could be. At one point in reciting the vows I was overwhelmed and it was all I could do to contain myself. It's been a very long road to get here. As I look down at my shiny new ring I now know that the less traveled road sometimes leads you to the pot of gold.
I love you Mrs. Hedglin
Ahh... I thought it was the best day ever. It may have rained but it all ended it up wonderful. I am all yours for ever and ever.
I love you,
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