Friday, May 05, 2006

Don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out!

That's right, the neighbors are moving. Am I sad? No. Who's to say the new neighbors will be any better? Not me. I'm glad they are gone. I've never much cared for neighbors. I've never really had much success with them. Ranging from the crazy old lady on Oliver Street that would bitch about me parking on her side of the street (public street I can park where I want) to the Bear and all their yard sale people taking their liberties with my driveway and even my yard. If I could have my own little chunks of "heaven" with no one in sight I would be happy. These neighbors weren't terrible, but they brought a lot of unnecessary bullshit to my house. From the moment Drew and their kid became friends I heard way too much about them. Is it wrong that I do not want to care about them? I don't think so. Some may think I'm wrong for feeling that way. Hey, if your a parent and choose to leave a 14 year old kid in charge of 3 other younger kids, one being handicapped then who am I to think your a great neighbor? In the end, chow to you and yours.

I'm pretty sure the landlady will be contacting us to do some work next door. The dogs destroyed the yard. I'd like to think that she will not let the next tenants have them. It's unbelievable the amount of destruction done to the yard. I can only imagine what the inside of the house is like. Now I can get back to work on the steps and who knows what else. Saving money on the rent is always a welcomed thing.

Speaking of rent, I spoke to Bob Boob the other day. He is like King Realtor in Jersey Shore. I'm currently in the process of fixing up my credit. I've got all the loose ends taken care of. Those loose ends would all be the result of the "ex" slacking. If all goes well and according to plan I should be in the house market in February. By then, I will have the money from the house selling plus income tax money. This will all be used to pay off every god damn thing I ever foolishly spent. Speaking of the house all still goes well there. Every payment has been made with zero problems. The house will sell in December, if all continues to go well.

I've been trying to find a part time job. I thought I had one doing some book keeping for a guy but it didn't work out. I need something just a couple hours in the mornings. No more than 4 hours a day. I've asked a couple people about the possibility of doing this or that but nothing has come of it. So for now other than being the landlady's handy man I got nothing on the side.

May 20th is the day...

So there needs to be some kind of party. I guess "sissypants" is going to have a "girls night out". I haven't heard anything from my "boys" yet. Do I expect to? Not really. I'll probably sit around and play BF2 and puff on a little somethin somethin... I asked G to be my best man and he said he could be the "assistant" to the best man. So, then I asked Jamie and he said he would. He also said he'd probably do some fishing after the wedding. Classic! That guy loves the "sport". I just don't get it.

So Connor has this crawling down. Then all of the sudden all this other stuff just came out of no where. Sitting on his own, boom done. Pulling himself up onto things, boom done. Standing up, boom done. Christ...I swear this week he's done so much. He's being quite the "talker" as well. Sure you can't make out much of it other than, bah, mum, and dad! He's a screamer too. I mean he'll just scream from the bottom of his little gut. It's funny for awhile. Then it's time to lay the smackdown! Enough of all that. It was I caught him yelling at the dog trying to get her attention.

Grey car + black interior + none working windows = sauna I gotta work on that...


I love you Julie


Blogger JW said...

There probably wont be any girls night out. Dont much feel like going out without you. I dont get to see you enough as it is.
I love you!

10:36 PM  

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