Sunday, April 12, 2009

Forever my story.

I feel like opening up this mind of mine.

When I was a kid I would sit on the stairs at my Aunts house while everyone enjoyed themselves at Christmas time. Good eats, good times. All the while I would sit there, and wonder what I was doing there. Waiting and hoping my parents would finally call it a day so we could leave. Why was I this way?

For the record my family was the only family to show up at my Aunts this Christmas. Whatever that may or may not mean.

Why am I this way?

Easter is a holiday that brings to me candy wrappers on the floor, kids eating too much crap, arguing about who had what out of who's basket, stuff like that. To my "sissypants" it is much more. It is a time for the family's to gather in our home and eat food that she prepares.

It has been a terrible day. If I had it to do all over again, I would have stayed in bed. I would have faked a sickness.

I enjoy what time I can get to myself. I enjoy when it is just all of our clan under one roof. I enjoy it when our kids are on a reasonable behavior level, not on some limit less scale of acting a fool.

For better or worse I say with a tear in my eye, I am who I am.

And right now, I am sorry for it...


I love you Julie.


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